I'll answer the second question first.
A better fiscal policy, first of all, has to be at the scale of the issues that the government needs to be dealing with, the guidance it needs to be providing and the investment it needs to be making. Health care is one of the areas where that investment should be going. I think most Canadians take a lot of pride in our universal health care system and are ashamed to realize the wait times and to know the hardships that our frontline health care workers are facing in providing the health care that we need.
We have an aging population, and there are an increasing number of long-term debilitating illnesses that people are dealing with. This is going to increase the pressures on our health care system, which we almost all agree should be free at the point of service, and when something is free at the point of service, it gets paid for somewhere and it gets paid for through our social safety net. That's not just about shoving money at the situation. That's also about having the appropriate regulations in place.
Health care, as it is well known, is a provincial responsibility, but the federal government has many tools and pressure points it can exercise in order to return to the universality of access that health care had at its origins and that we need to be defending. Putting conditions on getting access to increased funding needs to be one of the ways we make sure the creeping privatization doesn't continue. It just creates a two-tier system and diverts resources away from the public health care system, giving us the sort of system that I think most of us do not want.