We get 30 million transactions a year from our reporting entities: large banks, small banks, medium banks, money service businesses, casinos, accountants. We have nine different reporting sectors that all report to us. The suspicious transaction reports have in fact been increasing over the years. A lot of that may have to do with the fact that we developed some very successful public-private partnerships that have led to the identification of very specific indicators that can then be used by our reporting entities in their monitoring systems to generate the financial transactions that get certain red flags related to things like human trafficking, child sexual exploitation on the Internet, fentanyl trafficking, romance scams that tend to take advantage of the elderly, underground banking and the use of casinos for laundering money.
The transactions and the reporting that we get in terms of suspicious transactions have been increasing. The quality has been increasing. Over the years historically we've done, I would say.... Just over the last three or four years, for example, we've averaged over 2,000 disclosures of actionable financial intelligence to our law enforcement national security agencies and our law enforcement partners across Canada and internationally. Fraud, generally speaking, whether it's a romance scam type of fraud, a 419 fraud or any type of fraud you can think of, tends to be included in somewhere around 30% to 33% of our disclosures. Fraud is always one of the top three predicate offences to money laundering, and there are, as you know, several different types of fraud. It could be anything from email account takeovers to the CERB fraud we are seeing and have seen. Fraud is always, unfortunately, a significant percentage of our disclosures year over year.