Okay, thank you for the concise answer.
I raise it because, of course, the worry here is that, in our very good intentions—all of our good intentions, our collective good intentions—in trying to protect pensioners, we might make a mistake such that we provoke a perverse outcome, an unexpected outcome. That outcome would be to create a financial hardship for the company that's at risk such that it would be forced into bankruptcy and unable to discharge any of the pension requirements. The idea is that we want to provide as much protection for the pensioners as we can without harming the company such that the pensioners don't get anything.
One of the things our department and the Department of Finance have heard from external stakeholders is that three years would be.... I heard one person use the word “catastrophic”, that it would have the impact of forcing creditors to call loans. It could also have the impact of having companies switch out of defined benefits and into defined contribution plans. I know that the NDP is tied very closely to the unions in the country, and the unions, of course, are very interested in defined benefits, so this is a serious consideration.
The change we would like to make to your bill, then, is to move from three to five years. To be frank, 10 years would be ideal. That would give a lot of runway for companies to restructure and maximize the opportunity for pensioners to receive the equity that they put into the company for so long.
The second amendment would be to agree with you to move the priority of the pensioners a few notches up the food chain to just below secured creditors. So, it would be above unsecured creditors but below secured creditors.
With those changes, I think we could support your private member's bill. I think that we could perhaps convince members of the committee of those changes if we were able to hear the full slate of witnesses that's already been published for Wednesday, which includes the Association of Canadian Pension Management, CARP, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Federation of Pensioners, and United Steelworkers. These are folks who have gone to the trouble of preparing a presentation already. I think it's incumbent on the committee in a democratic process to hear from all the stakeholders and not just some.
If there's any time left, is there anything in there that you'd like to respond to?