First of all, there is a lot there, and I'd like to address a couple of things. I don't know if this was the translation, but if you're saying the concept of baby seals is a lie, then you, sir, need to go to the ice floes and visit these animals. There are baby seals out there.
Sealers will tell you that these are very young seals. They will tell you they're pups, some will even say baby seals. The fact that I choose the word “baby” is my own choice. Our organization alternately uses the word “pups”, “juvenile seals”, “very young seals”, “babies”. The word “baby” is an applicable term, in my opinion and my organization's opinion. The fact that you don't agree doesn't make us liars; it makes us having a difference of opinion.
I also want to say that the actions of any other animal protection group are not controlled by me. If Brigitte Bardot chooses to use certain images in her publicity, she is not a part of the Humane Society of the United States and she doesn't work for me and I don't tell her what to display or not display. Brigitte Bardot runs the Bardot Foundation in France, and they choose their own images. That's not the Humane Society of the United States.
So to answer your question, no, it didn't take me three to four minutes to realize the seal was alive. I realized the seal was alive the second I saw this seal crawling, breathing out blood. It was very clear this animal was not only alive, but conscious. We had no way to humanely euthanize this animal.
As I have witnessed over eight years, it is very difficult to kill a seal. I see so many of them left behind after they've been clubbed. These sealers are strong and they're out there with heavy clubs, with long wooden clubs with metal ends on them, with wooden bats. They hit them hard, and still these animals are revived. They regain consciousness when they're left in piles on the ice floes.
I am not a veterinarian and I am not qualified to euthanize a seal. This was very heartbreaking to live through, because this animal was in a lot of pain, and there were no enforcement officers anywhere out there, because there never are. All I could do.... I had a satellite phone and I called the United States and I asked them to see if they could find a marine biologist or a veterinary college to see if we could move this animal, if this animal could survive a helicopter trip, if there was something we could do.
We had just got the Atlantic Veterinary College on the phone when the sealers came back and stabbed the seal through the skull with a spike and then proceeded to cut the seal open as it continued to move its upper flippers and show signs of response to pain.
This is not easy to live through. And if this were one incident, that would be one thing, but it's not. Because when I went to the next pile of seals, there were two conscious seals there. The year before when I was up on the ice floes, I filmed a seal that was there for 60 minutes, and this is not easy. It wouldn't be easy for a sealer. It wouldn't be easy for you. You're a human being, and I'm sure you have a dog or a cat at home, and you care about animals.
The problem is this happens on the ice floes every year, and it can't be stopped because of the physical environment in which the hunt operates and the speed at which it has to operate. That's why it needs to end.