I think you're correct. The way I would characterize it--and it's based probably in large part on the sheer number of licences and people who are participating in the fishery in relation to the total value of the resource--is that even in reasonably good times things are pretty marginal. We can get by in a reasonably good year, but there's very little strength to survive the kind of downturn we've gotten. In fact, there are not many sectors that really can, but I think we're particularly vulnerable.
It happens to coincide with the moving of the baby-boom generation out of the fishery, and I'm sure a lot of other industries have the same situation. In a way, that presents an opportunity. In our organization, we did a survey of our members, and over 70% were either definitely interested or said they might be interested in selling their enterprises. Who bears the cost of that? That's the problem. To date, it's been, as I made reference to a minute ago, self-rationalization. The industry fully funds that. The problem is that the associated debt load means that even though you hope that if in the long run there are fewer people there will be more to go around, if the debt associated with buying somebody out doesn't make that pay off, you're no further ahead; you're further in debt.
I think we were vulnerable before this tidal wave hit the economy. That vulnerability was exposed pretty quickly once the recession took hold, and I believe it's key. If there's going to be a fishery of any vibrancy in the future to maintain populations in those rural communities Mr. MacAulay spoke of a minute ago, I think that issue of right-sizing our fleets has to be dealt with. As I mentioned earlier, virtually all our competitor countries, the people we're competing in the market with, have put major funding into fleet buyouts, because they have much the same problem. The cliché is too many fishermen chasing too few fish. I think it might be too many fishermen chasing too much debt. But in any event, there is that overall level of debt in the industry in relation to the annual landed value, which means that we're always vulnerable, always on the brink. If anything comes along like this current economic recession, we get swept away in it.