Thank you, Mr. Chair, for giving us the opportunity to go over the Main Estimates 2012-2013 for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans.
I think you have a small deck in front of you, which I will briefly walk you through. I will give you an update, an overview of the estimates, a breakdown of the estimates by program activity, and a quick explanation of the key changes from last year's main estimates.
Before I walk you through the deck, if you'll allow me I'll pause for a few minutes to talk about the main estimates process in general. As some of you may know, the main estimates process is fairly technical. It allows the department to put forward their proposed budget for the coming year for approval.
What we do when we prepare the main estimates, basically, is we update our budgets in reflection of the past funding decisions that have been made since the last main estimates. Most of the funding decisions actually stem through the federal budget process.
So point number one is that these main estimates for 2012-13 don't actually reflect the decisions, for example, that will be coming through the next federal budget, which is scheduled to be on March 29. By the same token, last year's main estimates did not include the funding decisions for our department that stemmed through the budget 2011. Therefore, a lot of the fluctuations that you see are actually a result of funding decisions that were taken last year, in budget 2011.
I'll walk you through some of these.
A misinterpretation I also want to point out is that when you take a look at the main estimates document itself, an increase or a decrease does not necessarily mean a direct increase or decrease in a funding source, a funding envelope. As an example, if we get $100 million for the construction of a ship over five years, our cashflow or spend will not be $20 million a year for five years. It will vary from year to year, probably starting for the initial stages at a couple of million dollars and working up.
You may see in the year three main estimates spending relating to that construction of $40 million, and then the following year $20 million. In the main estimates analysis you would see a decrease in our budget of $20 million, which is not necessarily a decrease to the funding envelope but simply a fluctuation in the cashflow.
Again, some of our fluctuations are obviously due to that this year. If I go to page three, you can see that overall for 2012-13 the department is seeking a little bit below $1.7 billion, compared to just over $1.8 billion in last year's main estimates. That's a decrease of approximately $157 million. As I said, later in the presentation I'll walk you through the main reasons for these changes.
Our budget is basically split into three key areas: what we call the vote 1, the vote 5, and vote 10. Under the operating expenditures, we have just over $1.1 billion. This includes the salary dollars for the personnel-type expenses. We have to note that DFO is an extremely operational department, which relies on its people and assets to deliver the programs.
Under vote 5, capital expenditures, we have $313 million—a slight reduction there. That's mainly due to fluctuations in the construction of ships and the cashflow aspects of it.
Under vote 10, which is our grants and contributions section, you will see a considerable decrease, of over 50% from the main estimates last year. These are mainly due to some of our key programs that are sunsetting in March of this fiscal year. I will go through the main ones a bit later.
The two last items are what we called statutory items or legislated items: basically the department's contribution to the employee benefit plans.
I'll move to page four. The three following pages are basically a breakdown of the main estimates by our three main strategic outcomes and the program activities that relate to them. Be assured that I'm not going to go through every number; I'm just going to talk about the highlights.
On page four, basically you will note the department has 26 program activities, including the internal services program activity. The first strategic outcome you see is the economically prosperous maritime sectors and fisheries, which includes the programs that support sustainable and effective use of Canada's water resources. Under there you will note we have a projected spend of $456 million.
Fifty percent of that, or close to, is linked to the two first program activities that you see. The first is integrated fisheries resource management, for $111 million, which largely includes the activities to manage the recreational and commercial fisheries.
Small craft harbours is the second one, with $106 million. Again, here you'll note that a considerable portion of our capital funding is linked to that particular activity, the construction and important repairs to the small craft harbours we have across Canada.
To finish off the page, you'll also note a column there called “revenue credited to the vote”. You see a number there in red. There are a couple more in the next couple of pages. This represents a revenue. We call it a revenue with respending authority--and it's under the Canadian Coast Guard--by which certain types of revenues that are collected we are entitled to respend back against that program activity.
We’ll move to page 5, under “Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystems Strategic Outcome”, which includes the programs that contribute to the conservation, protection, and sustainability of our aquatic ecosystems. You will note that out of $238 million, close to 70% is spent towards compliance and enforcement, which includes monitoring and surveillance-type activities, and our habitat management program.
Turning to page 6, we see our last strategic outcome is safe and secure waters, which includes the programs that contribute to maintaining and improving maritime safety. This is our largest spending area, $675 million, of which 80% is locked into the fleet operational readiness program, which ensures that our fleet and ships crews are ready to operate, and our shore-based asset readiness program. You will also note that 67% of our capital funding is dedicated to these two program activities. For example, the funding for the construction of ships is linked to that.
On that page, I’ll say one last word concerning internal services. You will note that we spend close to $296 million in internal services. Some may think that’s high. We have to take into consideration that our department is the second-largest asset-based department in government, and the replacement value of our assets is approximately $19 billion. Under internal services we have the funding in support of our real property activity, to support our real property footprint. As I said, not many departments have the footprint we have, from a real property perspective. Of the $296 million, $118 million is dedicated to real property.
Now I will move to page 7, to talk a bit about the main increases and decreases.
If we start off with the key increases to these main estimates, you will see an increase of $14.3 million that was given to us through the last budget, budget 2011. Actually, the department received $57 million over two years, starting this current fiscal year. So we had $43 million this fiscal year as a result of the last budget, which we accessed through what we called a supplementary estimates process. What you see now in the main estimates, because we've adjusted based on that funding decision in the previous budget, is the second-year planned spending relating to that. The money was given to us to repair the small craft harbours as a result of the storm damages of December 2010.
Item number two shows an increase of $8.2 million. This is again a budget 2011 decision. This is an extension to the government's program, the federal contaminated sites action plan. DFO received close to $26 million over five years for that program. The $8.2 million is actually the planned spending related to that activity for fiscal year 2012–13.
The last item you see there is a budget 2011 decision relating to help Canadians adapt to the impacts of climate change under Canada's clean air agenda. DFO received $16.4 million over five years, and the $5.1 million is a reflection of our planned spending for that particular activity in the coming year.
I’ll jump to the two last pages. On page 8 you’ll see the decreases to this budget. The $40.1 million that you see is for our most important program, the Pacific integrated commercial fisheries initiative, a program that is sunsetting. Through budget 2007, the department received $175 million over five years for that program, and basically the last year of the program is being completed now. The amount of money in the last main estimates for this fiscal year was $40 million. This is disappearing from the main estimates this year.
There's $23.4 million that is contributing to the creation of the Shared Services Canada agency. This is the agency that was created to better manage much of the IT type of spending. Approximately 44 departments contributed from a financial perspective for the creation of that new agency. Our share at DFO was $23.4 million.
The $19.9 million is related to the sunsetting of the divestiture of the non-core harbours program. Through budget 2008, we received close to $45 million over four years for that program.
Item 4 is a decrease of $18.9 million relating to the strategic review measures that were announced in budget 2011 for our department. The reductions announced in budget 2011 for our department are actually $56.8 million, so we're building up to a reduction of $56.8 million in year three. The first-year reduction was $9.1 million, which happened in this fiscal year, 2011-12, so money was taken away, again through the supplementary estimates process. The $18.9 million is the reduction to the DFO budget as it is related to that exercise. In next year's mains, the reduction will be $56.8 million.
The $14.3 million is a sunsetting program that also is coming to an end. It is a sunsetting program relating to the Atlantic integrated commercial fisheries initiative, so this is one of our other sunset programs that is being completed this March.
On page 9, among the three last items you see, is the key fluctuation explaining the key decrease of $13.1 million. That's in relation to the cashflow issue relating to the lobster sustainability program. In 2009, the department received close to $65 million over five years for the lobster program. That program is sunsetting in March 2014. The cashflow for 2011-12 was $21 million, and the projected spending for the completion of the program in 2012-13 is $8 million, so this is why you see a decrease of $13 million, and, in the final year, $5 million.
The $11.9 million is a decrease in funding to support science and sustainable fisheries. We received that back in 2007, with $104 million for five years. A portion of that program is sunsetting. We have an ongoing portion of approximately $10 million, but the sunsetting portion is actually ending this March and it is $11.9 million.
The last item on the sheet is a $10.2 million decrease. It relates to funding we received for the implementation of the Species at Risk Act. Again, in 2007 we received $73.4 million over five years. A portion of that funding is sunsetting and a portion is ongoing. The portion that's ongoing is approximately $8 million, and the portion that's actually sunsetting in March, because it's the last year for that money, is $10.2 million.
I'll close this off at the last page and not repeat myself. I'll close by saying that this presents an overall view of our main estimates for 2012-13. Again, I remind folks that any decisions relating to budget 2012, which is anticipated in a few weeks—which could reflect also the famous decisions around the strategic and operating review exercise—would be addressed in that budget, so they are not reflected in the mains that you have right now.
Merci, monsieur le président.