Thank you very much for the opportunity to come before you.
My name is Dr. Kristi Miller-Saunders. I hold a Ph.D. from Stanford University and have been a research scientist with DFO since 1994. My areas of speciality include molecular biology, genetics and genomics, ecology and fish health. I have worked my entire career on salmon at DFO, and issues surrounding salmon health and salmon declines for the past 20 years, with at least 75 of the 140 publications from my program focused on fish stress and disease.
I co-developed the strategic salmon health initiative with Dr. Brian Riddell in 2012 in response to the clear data gaps on infectious disease discussed in the Cohen inquiry. The SSHI is a large multi-million dollar project that sought to bring clarity to the role of infectious disease as a factor in salmon declines, and to reveal pathogens undermining the survival of salmon in British Columbia.
With a focus on all salmon in B.C.—wild, enhanced and aquaculture—the SSHI assessed over 30,000 salmon for over 50 viruses, bacteria and parasites associated with diseases in salmon worldwide. Technological advances in disease monitoring and diagnostics within the SSHI provided a new foundation for studying complex disease processes in live-sampled fish, including a high throughput molecular infectious agent monitoring system; an innovative approach to the resolution of novel viruses and viral disease, and to visualize viruses in tissue; and a holistic tool called salmon FIT-CHIPS that can resolve specific stressor and disease states in salmon using only a small gill clip.
The funded SSHI program was completed at the end of March 2021. The SSHI has resolved a clearer picture on the role of pathogens on declining survival of our wild B.C. salmon. Key highlights included the discovery of over a dozen previously uncharacterized viruses infecting salmon in aquaculture, hatchery and wild settings. There were no detections of several viruses of regulatory concern, corroborating evidence by the CFIA that these agents were not found in British Columbia
The identification of several agents with higher probabilities of transmission and disease under high water temperatures suggested that disease risks may continue to worsen as the climate warms. Included was the discovery of piscine orthoreovirus in B.C. cultured and wild salmon, the first documented farm-level observation of heart and skeletal muscle inflammation in farmed Atlantic salmon, and a different but related PRV-associated disease in farmed B.C. Chinook salmon.
In juvenile salmon, using infection data spanning a decade and traditional stock assessment modelling approaches, several infectious agents have been resolved that show associations with annual variance in marine survival of Chinook, coho and sockeye salmon.
This represents the most comprehensive analysis of population level impacts of infection on naturally migrating wild salmon. Two of the six agents with consistent associations between species also show connections with farm-mediated transmission, informing the risks to wild salmon posed by open-net farming.
The most notable agents include PRV, or piscine orthoreovirus, associated with annual variances in survival and low weight of Chinook and coho salmon, with highest incidence if infection within 30 kilometres of salmon farms. Phylogenetic studies show that PRV has been repeatedly exchanged between farmed and wild salmon in British Columbia.
The bacterium Tenacibaculum maritimum, responsible for significant mortality on salmon farms, is strongly associated with annual variance in survival and low weight of sockeye, Chinook and coho. For sockeye, the highest incidence of infection is in fish sampled near farms in the Discovery Islands.
The small skin parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis that infects salmon in fresh water shows a strong carryover effect on survival and low weight of sockeye, Chinook and coho salmon in the ocean that may indicate years in which poor condition fish are entering the ocean.
A newly discovered Pacific salmon nidovirus, related to mammalian respiratory coronaviruses, infects the respiratory gill tissue of salmon released from some federal hatcheries. We see preliminary associations with survival in Chinook and coho.
A virtual international workshop was held at the end of March to provide expert advice on next steps for the program which will include disease challenge studies and understudied agents if facilities and funding can be sourced.
Our program is now moving to apply salmon FIT-CHIPS to reveal the role of cumulative stressors on salmon survival. This tool can reveal if salmon is undergoing salinity stress, low oxygen stress or thermal stress, and if they are experiencing a viral disease. It can also predict whether salmon is likely to die within 72 hours, and the cumulative level of stress that they carry, which is predictive of lower survival over longer timeframes.
By applying this tool, we can assess the role of climate driven changes on salmon health, and identify environments and years in which salmon are most compromised. Importantly, it is our goal to use this tool to identify the stressors that, if mediated, could increase survival and productivity of our wild salmon. The success of this program has led to a demand for the technology and approach to understand similar issues in salmon worldwide, including Norway, the Netherlands and the U.S.
We're also working closely with many first nations in B.C. and transferring some of the tools to the first indigenous-led genomics laboratory in Canada.
Thank you.