I have a couple of things.
First, we did hear testimony and we're united in seeing the injustice that's happening to these fishers. Everybody on this committee has recognized the injustice. That we are united on.
This motion, you're right, is not binding. It's sending a message to the minister. I see that if we support the motion, we're asking the members of this committee on the government side to meet with the minister and get the minister to make a quick decision. Given that the whole west coast is united on this, we're asking the minister to just make a decision and to explain what she's doing by Wednesday.
I don't think this is a far-fetched motion. I think we should all support it and hope that the minister gets back to everybody quickly. Again, if she's not prepared on something like this, then we have a bigger problem. She made a decision that impacts the livelihoods of these fishers, the coastal communities in which they live, the restaurants, the whole coast and the integrated food web of even our tourism sector. I mean, if she has made a decision like this and she thinks she's going to leave it to a fisheries officer who might be having a bad day and is saying, well, they have discretion, then that's not good enough. It's not good enough for Ms. Orr and it's not good enough for Mr. Lawson.
I think she should be here, or at least send a message back to the committee on Wednesday, on why they are doing this, or have the department in front of us on Wednesday, reporting back. Why wait? This is why I called for an emergency study, with the support of Mr. MacGregor and Ms. Blaney. We wanted this study as an emergency. I know there was push-back. There were even colleagues who said it was a knee-jerk reaction. This is not a knee-jerk reaction. This is absolutely a priority.
So I support this motion. I hope we'll all support this motion. Hopefully, by Wednesday we'll get something back so that these people can get back to fishing, where they belong, instead of in front of our TV screens. They belong on their boats on the water so that they can feed their families.