—and there are good examples of how you can destroy stocks.
David Suzuki wrote a book about the 10 worst collapses of salmon over.... It's an old book now. I suggest that you pick it up, and you'll see many British Columbian examples and others from elsewhere. What you see as the common denominator is fishing, fishing, fishing. Fishing traditionally kills fish. There's no risk; it's a definitive.
When you talk about impacts, you have to really ask the question, and what's happening in Quebec with the management system is what I call non-retention fishing. I work with commercial fishers here, and maybe Chief John Smith even knows about the recovery box, which is mandated on some boats.
If you catch a coho salmon and you're supposed to be catching a sockeye salmon, what do you do? Well, you throw it overboard. Is it going to live? Probably not, especially if it's been in a gillnet. Well, we were able to recover them. We had a specially devised recovery box that was built by a commercial fisherman, a gillnetter, who then sold his licence because the stocks were going down.
Anyway, there are all sorts of local solutions out there.