They absolutely do. I've talked to processors. These plants have the capacity, with some reasonable investment in the machinery in the plants, and the workers have the expertise to work on either shellfish or groundfish.
We have these plants, like one in Port au Choix, which was probably the first shrimp plant in Newfoundland and Labrador. There are over 100 workers there. Redfish could really be there, I would say, for August, which is really the primary time, right up until January or February. We're talking about almost full-time work for most of the year here, with redfish in particular.
I really appreciate the question. I also want to say that we did have the experimental fishery in one of our plants—we don't represent members in every plant—and we had a call just a couple of days ago from a chairperson at Beothic Fish Processors Limited on the northeast coast. Their plant bought some of the experimental redfish in December of last year. That was a real benefit to some of the workers, with the crab fishery being delayed and everything that happened this year.
We have the plants, we have the boats, and we have the expertise. What would be very, very difficult here is looking at Port aux Basques, because we don't have to go hundreds of miles here. We're talking about three or four hours of steaming, as we call it. That's travel in these boats, travelling at about 10 knots. We're talking about being on the fishing grounds. To stand up near Port aux Basques on a clear day and have to see factory freezer fishing is going to make this very, very difficult.
Further to that, my fear is—I wouldn't be a bit surprised, and we have to get this changed—that the people who are going to fish in the offshore are going to look to not use one of the factory freezers that are already fishing in Atlantic Canada. They are going to look to get one built or buy one overseas at $150 million, and furthermore, be probably looking for government money to fund that.
If you go to Port au Choix or Rivière-au-Renard or Caraquet, you'll see the boats that are there and ready, with some minor investments or a reasonable investment in gear—a new net, maybe some sounding equipment, or, as was said previously, some minor on-deck adjustment—to bring in this quality fish to these plants and really be a transition from the shrimp.
The final point, I would say, is that it may not be as much a pound. I appreciate that. I think Dominique had a good point there. That's why we need a transition plan of the kind they had for the auto industry a few years ago. I thought, listening to the television, that GM and Ford—not to pick on either one—were done if they didn't get the government investment. They deserved it and they should have had it, and they got it, and they got back on the right track, and things went forward again. That happens in major industries.
My understanding is that this is what our governments are here for, but why reinvent the wheel? We have everything in place to do it properly, as was outlined very clearly by Claudio. Other than to say you don't see a future for these communities.... If that's what they're saying, they should say it, the people who are making these decisions. If not, let's work together and make a transition that will allow us to continue with a good economy and our way of life.
Thank you.