Thank you so much.
I want to emphasize how much I appreciate both of you highlighting today, in very descriptive ways, the real impacts this is having on people on the west coast. We know this has implications coast to coast to coast. However, particularly on the west coast, we are seeing the detrimental impacts of a lack of a sound federal strategy that interconnects all of those involved. Therefore, I appreciate the information.
I have too many questions.
I'm going to Mr. Peart.
In the notes you provided to us, point two speaks about “empower[ing] local communities to manage private mooring buoys.” There was one thing that stood out to me with a previous witness, Ms. Brokenshire, who talked about the bylaws in place through the Bowen Island Conservancy, of which she's a member. She talked about the fact that, through this process, the municipality takes on the costs. I hope I'm remembering what she said accurately.
I wonder if you could speak about how important it is that we have a federal strategy, where the federal government takes the leadership required for these strategies, so that municipalities already overburdened with the downloading of resources don't feel the impacts of the steps needed to move forward with the mooring plan.