They provide it through the integrated fisheries management plans and the Pacific Salmon Treaty, but it has always provided challenges, mostly because first nations, as I mentioned in my opening comments, are considered advisers with the stakeholders versus decision-makers. In those general terms, we're only, as first nations, making recommendations to either the minister or those who are at the Pacific Salmon Commission and the Pacific Salmon Treaty.
There's a format for it, but it's not very conducive to the government-to-government relationships that first nations aspire to.
I'll finish by saying that, even though that's not happening in the lower Fraser, what we've decided to do is to take government out of the process. We've established what's called the lower Fraser collaborative table with 24 of our first nations, seven recreational agencies and the area E commercial fishery. We've established a relationship mostly out of crisis. The fact is that we are managing what's left, and there's a need to work together. We've taken government out of the equation. We've established a table. The challenging thing is that we don't have the resources from government to keep the table going, but hopefully one day....