Thank you, monsieur le président et membres. I am in fact, as you said, the chair of the international affairs committee of the chamber. In my day job, I'm a partner with the Bennett Jones law firm and I'm head of the international trade and investment practice there.
Since we were invited to appear here on fairly short notice, I originally thought we might do an overview of ICSID and where the business community comes out on it. Having heard at least a good part of the presentation of Meg Kinnear and her colleagues, I think it would probably be a waste of your time. Everything I heard, we as a business group would have absolutely no concerns about. I think the description of ICSID and the process you heard is entirely accurate and consistent with our views, so I'm not going to go through that blow-by-blow.
What I would like to do in the short time we have is pick up on some of the questions individual members raised during the Q and A portion of the government presentation and try to put a bit of a business perspective on that to make you understand why business specifically supports ratification of the ICSID convention more than 40 years after it was signed.
There's no real order. I'm going to go through these issues as I jotted them down listening to your questions.
I'm going to start with the distinction between process and substantive. The Convention has nothing to do with substantive law. It's simply a process that follows the making of obligations by a member country. It is the process that enables investors to have their Convention rights recognized.
That's a fundamental distinction. A lot of the questions that went to the government members had a bit of that flavour.
Canada has signed NAFTA. Chapter 11 is part of NAFTA and creates the substantive investor rights. Canada has signed some 20-odd foreign investment protection agreements. The obligations Canada has agreed to in those agreements exist and will continue to exist regardless of what you do here.
As you know, there have been NAFTA disputes and Canadian companies have availed themselves on a very few occasions of making claims under the FIPAs. So regardless of your position or your views on the substantive rights, that's not really the issue here. And that's a very important point to bear in mind.
Secondly, once you have the ICSID process.... Obviously you have to ask yourself why it would benefit Canada in general, and secondly, from my constituency, the business community to have Canada as a member of ICSID, recognizing that there 143 countries. Virtually all of our trade and investment partners and virtually all of the countries where Canadian businesses invest have adhered to the treaty.
The answer to that is relatively simple. There are a few parts to it, but from a business perspective, the first thing that's attractive here is that you have a recognized forum, with well-established rules. As Meg and her colleague explained to you, there is a wealth of jurisprudence under ICSID with precedential value in the sense that the cases, while not binding on other panels, provide guidance in terms of the interpretation of investment law--not just ICSID itself, but the FIPAs.
The FIPAs have very specific rights that are roughly repeated, but sometimes in different language from investment agreement to investment agreement, whether it's expropriation, fair and equitable treatment, minimum standard of treatment, national treatment. For all of these obligations, the wording varies slightly but the subject matter is the same. So under the ICSID process you have panels, and an institutional structure that has that institutional history to understand, and to understand why the specific wording in this treaty might lead to a slightly different result because they didn't use the same language in that treaty.
By contrast, ad hoc panels.... Remember, I said the treaty rights exist. Investors will avail themselves of them, unless you would draw from the substantive treaty. So by contrast, under the substantive treaties--again, as my government colleagues explained--there are several different processes that you can avail yourself of. Usually it's an UNCITRAL rules process, which is essentially ad hoc. There's no similar, comparable institutional structure that administers UNCITRAL arbitration the way you have under ICSID. It's basically just a set of rules. So you can invoke that, or perhaps in some instances you can invoke, as you heard, the ICSID additional facility rules of the other country, the host country or the plaintiff country, if the claim is against Canada or ICSID members. But you can't do the main ICSID rules.
As I say, that becomes a bit of an ad hoc process, especially if you do ad hoc arbitration using the UNCITRAL rules. Here you have an institution that has experience in administering this area of law--a wealth of experience now over the past couple of decades, or the last decade especially, of some 200-odd cases.
So that is an important reason--the depth of experience, the knowledge, the understanding that the institution has and can bring to a dispute that benefits not just the business community, but the government as well, on the other side. In my respectful view, there's a lower risk of a rogue panel--and we've occasionally heard governments talking about rogue panels--in the context of an institutional forum like ICSID than you might have in an ad hoc panel.
So both government and investor benefit from an institution that has I say it's not binding; the panels are free. Panel decisions of the past are not binding on today's panel decisions, but when the panel takes place in an acknowledged forum with an administration, a secretary general, and so on, there is an institutional weight that's given that perhaps might not weigh as heavily on an ad hoc panel. So it gives both government and investor a measure of certainty.
Another key issue is the very limited review, the finality. Under ICSID, if you don't like the decision, there's really only one step you can take, which is to invoke the appeal or review procedure under ICSID—that's it. You don't go through potentially interminable litigation in the national courts. It's not necessarily the national courts of the jurisdiction where the plaintiff is, or the jurisdiction of the host country. They could have put the seat of the arbitration in a third country. In the Metalclad case under NAFTA, the seat was Canada. So the subsequent judicial review of that award against Mexico took place in the B.C. courts.
Our courts are pretty good at acknowledging the limits of judicial review of arbitral awards, but maybe other countries aren't quite as good. The finality of the ICSID process is critical to business and, I would suggest, should be important to government as well. You want things to have an end.
Also, the prospect of finality--one day you're going to be called to account--is an incentive to settlement. If I know I can litigate something repeatedly for years, if not decades, my incentives to settle aren't quite the same. I can grind the other guy down--grind the government down, if I'm a deep-pocketed investor, or grind the company down, if I'm a deep-pocketed government with a smaller medium-sized investor. So that finality is important from a second perspective.
A third point here is enforcement, and you've heard about that. The treaty provides that an award is enforceable, is binding, under international law against the defending government. That has immense ramifications for a business, for the successful investor. My colleagues and friends from the government side are probably at a better place to speak to the institutional extreme. My understanding at least is that since ICSID is in the context of the World Bank's world or penumbra, for reasons that shouldn't be too hard to figure out, host states that have had awards issued against them are probably going to think twice and be a little reluctant to violate the award that's binding on them under international law and a treaty they've signed with 143 other countries.
I've heard talk of instances where host states may have threatened not to make good on an award and then realized what the consequences might be within the World Bank world in terms of loans and grants that they may have outstanding from the bank, or possibly other member states that are sitting at the bank whose governments have bilateral grants or foreign aid and suddenly the bank says, “You know, you might want to think about this. They're just welching on their obligations here”. So there's an enforcement stick. It's an implicit stick more than anything that makes delinquent governments more prone to living up to their obligations.
Fundamentally, the key issue here that primarily is the concern from a Canadian point of view is it's outbound we're talking about, outbound investment. From the standpoint of the Canadian government's liability, the Canadian government is liable already. That happened when the government signed the 20-odd FIPAs, and it happened when the government signed the NAFTA and any future agreements. It incurs potential liability. It behaves contrary to its international obligations. It's not liable; it has obligations. So, signing or not, ratifying ICSID or not, really doesn't weigh one way or the other on it.
However, a Canadian investor looking for remedy overseas for the millions or hundreds of millions or billions they've sunk into the ground in a mine in Latin America and a plant in India or China or whatever, ICSID gives those Canadian companies a remedy and a recourse in the event that their rights are violated that is far more secure, far more attractive than what we have today in the absence of ICSID. That's basically why the Canadian Chamber of Commerce supports it. I think in the Canadian business community at large you'll be hard-pressed to find an association that doesn't support ratification.