Let me conclude then with the issue of engagement. Based on the years of programming experience in China, there are five reasons we believe engagement with China on human rights issues works and should be continued. First, China is committed to transforming its legal-judicial system as part of its efforts to join the world community. They're motivated. Second, the Chinese change process balances learning from endogenous experiences--that is learning from within by themselves--with learning from the experience of others, which provides a host of entry points for engagement. Third, although the legal and human rights traditions of China and Canada are historically different, there are sufficient areas of shared interest to make for a productive rights dialogue based on mutual interest and learning. Fourth, we both possess the capacity to craft, manage, and sustain a cooperative relationship based on mutual respect. Fifth, the imperative for engagement between our two countries grows as the process of globalization accelerates.
A final word. We share a common goal. After 25 years of Canada working over there and being involved, it would be rather a loss of a big investment to just abandon it or to ignore it. We can't repress it, so we should engage.
Thank you very much.