Very quickly, the policy has to be one of targeting, in the sense of what you have been doing, and if you feel you've had a good success in doing this or that, we should continue and see if we can increase it if they're willing. We find that in many respects they're willing in many fields, but not in everything. So it's a question of targeting, adjusting to that target, and benefiting from it mutually.
There are a lot of things we can benefit from and learn, even in our so-called legal system, which we think is so wonderful. Well, there are things that they're doing that could save us a lot of money, a lot of time, and keep some of our people out of jail by using community service. I just use that as an example. I'm not saying our system is not doing its best, but there are things we can learn as Canadians. It's not a one-way street where it's only them learning. Targeting is the way I would put it.