Thank you, Chair.
Thank you to our guests for presenting today.
We've had other witnesses who have said that it's important for Canada to have a presence on the ground, or diplomatic boots on the ground, if you will. I'm also hearing we should use the Commonwealth, the UN, and the European countries.
I don't think anyone would disagrees that we should send a senior government official to Sri Lanka.
As for an emergency meeting of the Commonwealth, would you see that as plausible? Or has anyone thought about having a contact group of Canada and members of the Commonwealth, particularly given the vital and respected role Norway has played? I guess my question is, has that been explored by anyone and is it a viable option?
I know the window is short here, as I'm hearing that something of this sort needs to happen before the elections and, obviously, to continue as the conflict goes on. But I'm just wondering if this idea has come forward. And do you have any concern about any of the ideas I've put forward?