In other words, to put a ribbon on it, the minister can provide the travel document to Mr. Abdelrazik.
I would just ask for the indulgence of the committee for a second. I have here letters, which I think are important, from both the RCMP and Jim Judd, who state the following:
This correspondence is in response to your letter dated October 24, 2007, requesting assessment of the RCMP information as it pertains to Mr. Abousfian Abdelrazik. Your letter outlined the guidelines established by the UN Al Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee for listing an entity/individual. As Mr. Abdelrazik is currently a listed individual, you further requested whether the RCMP had any current and substantive information to support the continued listing.
Please be advised that the RCMP conducted a review of its files and was unable to locate any current and substantive information that indicates Mr. Abdelrazik is involved in criminal activity.
Similarly, another letter to Mark Moher, the senior coordinator of International Crime and Terrorism, from Jim Judd, says:
This letter refers to your correspondence dated October 24, 2007 concerning the petition for the de-listing of a Canadian citizen, Mr. Abousfian Abdelrazik, who is included in the United Nations Al Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee Consolidated List. Mr. Abdelrazik voluntarily
—and this is important—
departed Canada for the Sudan in March 2003. The Service has no current substantial
—I'm reading because it's photocopied and it's rather dark—
information regarding Mr. Abdelrazik.
I have a document here regarding Mr. Abdelrazik that I received through an ATI from the government. It basically says in the talking points--and I don't usually hear from the parliamentary secretary--that the response we have for Mr. Abdelrazik is that:
Canada remains ready to provide Mr. Abdelrazik with the necessary consular and financial assistance should be allowed to board a flight and return to Canada.
And finally, I do have a similar document from the minister, from DFAIT, and it says with regard to Abousfian Abdelrazik:
DFAIT's position has always been that a travel document can be issued to Mr. Abdelrazik.
I'm simply submitting, maybe not for your edification but perhaps for the record, that we have the Department of Foreign Affairs stating to the minister of the day--granted, it was a different minister--that DFAIT's position is that a travel document can be issued, and that we have the RCMP and CSIS declaring, after there was a request to provide information on Mr. Abdelrazik, that they have no evidence of any concerns in terms of criminal activity.
I note, under section 10.1, which you referenced, that the minister can refuse. I guess the question that's outstanding, which neither you nor I can answer right now, is, based on what evidence, since we have DFAIT, we have the RCMP, and we have CSIS all saying they don't have anything, and this gentleman left on his own for Sudan and has been stranded there since 2003?
So, Chair, I'm at the point where, unless there's any evidence, and I'd like to know.... Certainly from our research and from your statement in your letter, the minister can provide a travel document to a witness that we've asked—I'd just like to ask you, as the chair, to formally request from Mr. Cannon a travel document so that the witness can come before committee. That has not been done. As a member of this committee, I would request you do that, to facilitate a witness to be able to come before committee. We've scheduled that for June 15.
I thank you, Mr. Walsh, for your help on that, but I make a request to you, Chair, to have correspondence written to the minister to provide Mr. Abdelrazik with the necessary travel documents so that he may come before committee on June 15. It can be a motion, but I note, Chair, that we did have a motion that was passed by this committee, a unanimous motion, to have Mr. Abdelrazik appear. Because of abstentions, it was the unanimous consent of the committee.
I'm simply requesting that you write to the Minister of Foreign Affairs to provide Abousfian Abdelrazik with the necessary travel documents so that he might appear before committee.