Merci beaucoup.
I'm Gordon Peeling, president of the Mining Association of Canada. I do represent the national organization of the mining industry, which represents the major producers of base metals, precious metals, diamonds, iron ore, steel-making coal, uranium, and oil sands, and also the integrated smelting and refining of metals. As well, we represent another 50 suppliers of engineering and environmental technology, service providers, and financial and small companies in the pre-production phase of development.
As an organization, we have a mandatory CSR program for our producing members, called “Towards Sustainable Mining”, which is mandatory for domestic operations. It's still voluntary for international operations. I'll come back to the strength of that a little later.
I'll also mention that I was a member of the advisory group for the CSR round table process. As noted by the earlier witnesses, yes, we did sign off. I personally signed off on it.
I want to talk about the round table and its process for a minute just to remind or inform those who didn't take part in this process about what transpired. When we started, there was obviously considerable mistrust and quite different starting points on the nature of finding a solution and making progress.
For many elements in civil society--and forgive me for generalizing--there was an immediate call for sanctions and remedy through extraterritorial application of Canadian law. For industry, there was a sense that improvements were required but that what was needed was an enabling environment that would help industry deal with very complex on-the-ground situations and help improve performance.
Out of those two end points over the course of the round tables, and in hearing from many experts like Mr. Janda, came some remarkable common ground. The advisory group report of recommendations to the government may have dragged all of us beyond our comfort zones at the end, or beyond where we thought we would end up, but that probably indicates that we were pretty much getting to the right point.
Let me turn now to a couple of those key outcomes, because they do bear on our views on Bill C-300. The round table recommendations did not embrace extraterritorial application of Canadian law or a legislative solution. The approach was a policy framework that was enabling for improved performance of industry and for assistance in capacity building for developing countries' governments, a key point for industry.
The “ombuds” type of function was housed within this policy framework, not within a legislative construct. It was at arm's length from government, and there were very specific reasons for doing that: because they didn't raise some of the issues that members have pointed to around this table.
From our perspective, capacity building was key to treating the disease as opposed to band-aiding the symptoms. If governments had the capacity to enforce environmental regulations, protect their citizens, live up to their international obligations on human rights and indigenous rights, and collect and redistribute taxes, including investing in social and institutional infrastructure, we would probably have nothing to talk about today.
Hence, for us, the most important part of the government response is the commitment to the extractive industry's transparency initiative and the voluntary principles on human rights and security, and a commitment to multilateral and bilateral processes to improve governance and capacity in developing countries as they struggle to manage the resource development process. That was all part of the round table recommendations, which we did sign off on.
Turning more directly to the government response, this may be where we have some differences of opinion amongst the advisory group in our process, but our expectations were not of the kind that thought we would get everything recommended in the report. Very few reports of this kind--indeed, even royal commissions--get everything they recommend.
In our view, the government response is directionally correct. And it is a starting point. We always have to start with those first steps, build upon them, learn from them, and make improvements as we go along. This we see as a first step, not an end point.
The Mining Association of Canada is committed to work in good faith with government and other interested partners to see this successfully implemented. It does put Canada in a leadership position. The path of progress starts with that first step, as I noted, and this, in our view, is an important first step. The government's recent announcement on the counsellor position, in just the last few days, adds further substance to that commitment.
Now let me talk a bit about Bill C-300. From my perspective, Bill C-300 takes us back to the divisive beginning of the round table, something I thought was behind us. From our perspective, the bill is not in keeping with the spirit or intent of the round table report. Also, at its very core, Bill C-300 is based on creating a legislative and punitive approach to corporate accountability that ignores the need for an enabling environment to improve performance.
By creating legislation, the bill also introduces many issues such as, in one sense, in our view, not demonstrating any sensitivity to intruding into the sovereign right of other governments to manage resource development to meet their national needs. MAC member companies remain committed to respecting sovereign right of governments as best placed to make the difficult choices in responding to their societal needs while managing the development of their resources.
There is also the confusion arising as it relates to standards out of Bill C-300, which, in our view, does not bring clarity to the question of standards but serves to add a new and possibly confusing perspective from Canada. MAC supports the federal government's commitment to the extractive industries transparency initiative, the EITI; the voluntary principles on human rights and security; and a commitment to multilateral and bilateral processes to improve governance capacity in developing countries.
Canadian companies need to operate on a level playing field with their competitors, and there are a wide range of international guidelines and standards that provide appropriate reference points for the CSR-related processes and issues.
The IFC is referenced, but the IFC already applies to us, as it does to everyone else. That in essence is a level playing field, but the IFC standards, you have to understand, weren't meant to be the equivalent of a regulatory requirement. That's an important point that maybe we can discuss further in the question and answer time.
On human rights, the Secretary-General of the UN has charged his special representative, John Ruggie, to interpret state obligations of international conventions on human rights for application at the corporate level. He has completed the first part of his work in three years and is in the midst of a further two-year assignment to bring down that detail into the corporate sphere of how a corporation should act to respect human rights that have been written on a state-to-state international convention basis.
That is why, even in the round table process, we did create space, because we all agreed that it was a gap that was, with the intention of Ruggie's work from the UN level, to be filled and to provide some guidance to companies as to how best to respect human rights in that regard. But that indicates that we're not at an end point in this process. Industry is still digesting the first part of Ruggie's report. It is trying to improve its complaint mechanisms itself and is waiting for the next stage in Ruggie's report.
In our view, Bill C-300 misses this dynamic. The bill makes no distinction between trivial and substantive compliance issues. They both presumably result in CPP selling off whatever shares it may have with those corporations and the loss of EDC financing.
The bill creates a huge disincentive to acquiring foreign assets by Canadian resource companies, because if there are problems they are inheriting as a result of past actions of the previous owner, they may well have no time to bring that performance up to standard should a complaint be launched and within eight months of some determination that results in sanctions.
So we see here damage without a lot of balancing aspects to the bill, and the reputational damage can be serious. Yet there are no appeal mechanisms in the bill, and we're not even sure what the evidentiary rules will be.
I want to turn to EDC for a moment. EDC support flows through to Canadian service providers. In other words, when Canadian mining companies engage EDC for a loan action, loan agreements, etc., often that money is a direct flow-through to the purchase of Canadian engineering services, service providers of technology, etc. What then does the EDC decision result in? A breach of all those contracts? Once that litigation starts, what company then would, in the future, seek EDC support? How could the supplier rely on it? Who knows whether that breach of the company might be trivial or substantive?
Now just let me talk about Canadian direct investment abroad in the minerals and metals area. Statistics Canada indicated that, at the end of 2008, $66.7 billion had been invested as Canadian direct investment abroad from this sector since 1990, and that was an $11 billion increase from 2007. These numbers are huge relative to official aid flows from Canada and they do much good. They create jobs. They lead to business development, local training, health services improvements, education, improvements in local areas. In our view, this bill puts certainly some of that at risk. So we do have very specific concerns about Bill C-300.
I want to tell you about CSR. We do recognize the voluntary challenges there, absolutely. We have not been idle in the field of CSR, and we have had a program in place for quite some time, albeit mainly with a domestic focus. We have always had the international aspect in mind, but it was getting our own house in order first and then turning attention to some of the international issues. At the end of the day, industry does recognize that you can't have one operating ethic in Canada and a different operating ethic outside of Canada.
TSM is a condition of membership. I'll just say what other people say about TSM. Five Winds is a major international organization that specializes in sustainable development processes. It initially did a contract for the Canadian government to look at a number of CSR processes across the retail council, forest products, etc. We were not included in that, so we asked them to include us. Our results are that we exceed best practice and we're consistent with best practice in all areas. In other words, we have no elements that are below best practice.
The Canadian Business for Social Responsibility recently profiled 11 different frameworks, ranging from the global compact to the OECD guidelines to the global reporting initiative to the IFC performance standards. CBSR--and this was done without our knowledge--ranked TSM the highest, as “more prescriptive, more guidance and stricter compliance provisions”. We are committed to continued evolution of this program with our members, just as we are committed to work with governments, the NGO community and others, to improve performance in all these areas, particularly environmental and human rights, social matters related to benefits to local communities, etc.
At the end of the day, though, we do respect the sovereign right of governments as the best place to make the difficult choices in responding to societal needs while managing the development of resources. We endorse the development of a policy framework that would enable improved industry performance and provide a capacity building for developing countries. We endorse a policy approach that is directed towards finding solutions through mediation, discussion, fact-finding, and problem solving. This was described in the CSR round table report, in which we think the counsellor position takes us some way along that line, as did the national contact point, in its first work.
Thank you.