I would also observe that when you look at mining abroad, and your point about where we are in terms of the world economy.... In fact, now is the time to put in a foundation of fairness and compliance that everyone agrees on based on the round table, based on the work that was done. Now is not the time, I would argue, to regress. In fact, it's the time to stick with what we've done.
I've mentioned around this table before that when I was in the Congo, it was very clear from the people I was talking to on the ground that they can't do this alone. They need us to pick up the pieces that we can. But they were also very.... And we haven't touched on this, but the smaller companies are the ones they were most worried about. I wonder if either of you have any opinion on that.
We do have EDC, and with all due respect to my friend, Mr. Abbott, I like what EDC is doing, but it can't make legislation; we can. We want to ensure that its practices are actually ones that everyone follows and they are bought into by everyone.
But the smaller companies are an issue. I just wonder how this legislation would touch on that, and hopefully improve the behaviour of smaller companies that are affecting the reputation of larger Canadian companies, responsible companies, abroad.