There are a couple of reasons why I ask that. One is that this country has a proud tradition of John Humphrey creating the idea of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We have I think been very progressive, and I thank you for the work you've done to reach out to others, to work with people who have been concerned about this issue from civil society. But I have to say that when we look at environmental compliance and when we look at human rights compliance--and this government talks a lot about the rule of law; laws aren't suggestions. For me, where I come from, I'm from Missouri: show me. Show me that there are clear rules. You've even outlined that the industry has been following a new process. My friends at EDC over here will tell me all the good things they're doing, which I think is great, and that's fair for you to say we're doing everything we can and should and for EDC to say we're doing everything we can and should.
We have a different position here, and you probably can appreciate that. We are the ones who oversee laws being made. When I look at this bill, subclause 4(4) says the complaints come to the minister and the minister “may” receive them. In fact, I'd like to say the minister “shall”, so that both sides can put it into the positive. They have a compliance advisor. I think both of us would agree it should be an ombudsman.