Thank you, Mr. Chair, and my thanks to the members of this committee for providing us this opportunity to speak to you today.
In 2008, John Ruggie, the United Nations special representative on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises, concluded his first two-year mandate by stating, and I am quoting:
The root cause of the business and human rights predicament today lies in the governance gaps created by globalization—between the scope and the impact of economic forces and actors and the capacity of societies to manage their adverse consequences.
These governance gaps provide the permissive environment for wrongful acts by companies of all kinds, without adequate sanctioning or reparation. How to narrow and ultimately bridge the gaps in relation to human rights is our fundamental challenge.
While the high-profile work of Special Representative Ruggie is garnering a lot of international attention, it is appropriate in this context to remember that Ruggie's conclusions of 2008 had already been recognized in the groundbreaking and unanimously endorsed 14th report of this committee in 2005. I am now quoting from this committee's report of 2005:
These hearings have underlined the fact that mining activities in some developing countries have had adverse effects on local host communities, especially where regulations governing the mining sector and its impacts on the economic and social well-being of employees and local residents, as well as on the environment, are weak or non-existent, or where they are not enforced.
That was the SCIFAIT report of 2005, which is now being echoed by John Ruggie, special representative, in 2008.
I had the privilege of testifying before the subcommittee in 2005, and I am encouraged to see some familiar faces of members of Parliament from that committee around this table today.
I would like to start my presentation by putting a human face on the problem that Ruggie identifies and then to explain why MiningWatch Canada believes that Bill C-300 is an appropriate response.
I was first confronted with the environmental devastation and the human rights and health consequences that can result from irresponsible mining practices when I arrived on the small Philippine island of Marinduque in 1988 to start my Ph.D. fieldwork in religious anthropology. I had never seen a mine or spent one day of my life thinking about the potential consequences of mining.
It was sheer coincidence that a huge copper mine in the central hills of this small island province was owned and operated by a Canadian company, but this fact did not immediately persuade me that I had any role to play in the struggle that was taking place on this small island to protect a critical marine environment, the food security of 12 fishing villages that relied on coral reefs for their food, and the health of local children who were exposed to metals in mine waste being dumped into Calancan Bay.
I lived in one of those fishing villages for over a year and came to understand, as I carried on with my research project, the devastating impact the mine was having on the lives of the people of Calancan Bay. It wasn't until years later that a health study conducted by the Philippine department of health confirmed that the children that I had been surrounded with during my fieldwork had unacceptable levels of lead, cadmium, copper, and zinc in their blood. The Philippine government declared a state of emergency in Calancan Bay for health reasons. This was in 1997.
In 1993, the same year that I completed my Ph.D. in Canada, an earthen dam burst at the same mine site and tons of highly acidic and metal-rich mine waste flooded down the Mogpog River. Villages were inundated with mine waste. Houses and livestock were swept away and two young children of Marites Tagle died. They were smothered by the mine waste.
The Canadian managers of the mine said that the mine bore no legal responsibility for the disaster as it was an act of God, brought on by a typhoon. Mrs. Tagle reportedly received, for compassionate reasons, 1,000 pesos from the mine for each of her two dead children, which in Canadian dollars is about $23.
The Mogpog River has never recovered. It is heavily silted by mine waste that flows through the dam. Studies have shown that it is acidic and laden with toxic metals.
This past April I was back in Marinduque after 20 years. I helped villagers fill rice bags with waste from the river in an attempt to lower the level of the river and stop the regular flooding of nearby villages with contaminated water.
In 1996 I was at Cornell University doing post-doctoral research when yet another mine waste impoundment in the hills of Marinduque burst. Another river, this time the Boac River, filled with mine tailings from the mountains to the sea.
This third disaster on this small Philippine island finally closed down the mine. But now, more than 10 years later, the tailings are still piled in sandbags along the banks of the Boac River. Canadian engineers Klohn Crippen have warned that further disasters are likely as the dams and structures of the deserted and unrehabilitated mine site in the mountains crumble away.
I've told you this story because it contains elements of many of the stories regarding Canadian mining companies operating overseas that we are dealing with daily at MiningWatch Canada.
MiningWatch started in 1999, so I've now worked at MiningWatch for 10 years. When I first started at MiningWatch, I did not expect, as an employee of that organization--I was the original employee--that I would see cases as bad as the one that set me on this path in my life. But in fact we are dealing with these same situations literally all the time, from all over the world--irresponsible mine practices, environmental degradation, human rights abuses, health impacts, and the complicity of corrupt, inept, or even dictatorial governments.
Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos turned out, when he was deposed, to have been a secret partner in that Marinduque mine that was run and owned by a Canadian company. He had a 50% share in that mine.
The other aspect of this story that is common to others that we deal with at MiningWatch Canada is the lack of recourse for the people who have been damaged--the lack of, as Ruggie put it, sanctioning or reparation.
In this case, a lawsuit was launched by the Province of Marinduque in 2005 against Placer Dome, which was the mining company, now taken over by Barrick Gold. This lawsuit is slowly making its way through the courts. It is a potentially precedent-setting case, because the court it is making its way through is in the United States. Just last week a U.S. judge ruled in favour of the province's suit, and sent it to Nevada state court to proceed.
Three similar suits against the company in the Philippines, one dating back to 1996 when the final spill happened, continue to languish and are going nowhere.
Before turning to the merits of Bill C-300, I want to quickly touch on just a few of the mining cases we are engaged in at MiningWatch Canada.
My final submission to this committee on this brief will provide further detail and references for these cases. I only heard that I was presenting for you on Monday, so I haven't had a chance to finalize my brief. I will just run quickly through this, in the interest of time, to give you a sense of how broad this is.
We are engaged in a number of cases right now. The first is in Ecuador. In March of this year, Toronto-based law firm Klippensteins filed another potentially precedent-setting case against the Canadian junior called Copper Mesa Mining Corporation and against the Toronto Stock Exchange on behalf of Ecuadorian villagers who allege that the company's paramilitary agents have resorted to physical assaults, death threats, and other human rights abuses to break opposition to the company's operations.
This committee in fact heard from one of those villagers, Carlos Zorrilla, from the community of Intag, I think a year or two ago.
The second case is in Tanzania. An independent scientific report released just this week supports reports that we have been receiving from communities near the North Mara gold mine regarding serious human health impacts, and even deaths, related to acid mine drainage and heavy metal and cyanide leakage from the mine into the surrounding environment, and particularly into the nearby rivers.
I won't quote from the report, but I have a copy with me. I can do that later.
The third is in Papua New Guinea. This year Norway's government pension fund announced that it has dropped its shares in Canada's Barrick Gold as a result of the Porgera Joint Venture's mine waste disposal into an 800-kilometre-long Strickland River system.
This is a mine that literally dumps its tailings and its waste directly into a huge tropical river system, one of the largest in the world. That waste goes all the way down, 800 kilometres, to the sea.
At the same mine there have been allegations of killings of civilians by the Porgera mine security guards, and these allegations became the subject of a Papua New Guinea government inquiry in 2005 and 2006, but the final report of that inquiry was never released. In 2005 the then-owner of the mine, Placer Dome, did admit in a newspaper article to eight deaths at the hands of its security guards.
Honduras. Tests carried out by an organization in the United Kingdom and Development and Peace here in Canada have shown evidence of dangerous levels of arsenic, cyanide, and other heavy metals in water sources flowing close to or from within the mine boundary. In 2007 the Honduras Secretariat of Natural Resources and Environment fined Goldcorp, a Canadian company, one million lempiras, equivalent in value to about $26,000 Canadian at the time, for pollution and damage to the environment.