A few years back, I followed the misfortunes of Talisman, a company you probably remember. The issue was debated in the House of Commons many times. It was probably connected in some way with the department of Minister Axworthy.
In one of the paragraphs on the second page, Mr. MacLennan, you talk about the absence of solid institutions, and one of the last sentences in that paragraph reads, " Finally, in some countries revenues from minerais, oil, and gas have been used as a means of financing conflict." That is exactly what Sudan was doing at the time using oil revenue. It rekindled the war in the south, which was coming to an end because there were not enough soldiers.
In cases like that, there is nothing CIDA can do. Even if you approach the government and tell it that taking revenue from oil that is extracted by a Canadian company makes no sense, it may not listen to anything you have to say. There is nothing you can do to the company and you leave it.