Thank you.
Thanks to our witnesses. Sorry for the “inside baseball”.
As we look at this legislation, what some have claimed--we heard it just recently—is that somehow we're going to be imposing Canadian law upon other jurisdictions.
We had a legal brief submitted at committee that actually says that clearly it isn't. And I think we've heard from you on this.
I mean, one of the claims is that because we're putting a screen, if you will, on Canadian conduct overseas, there should be some link here. If you're going to get Canadian funds, or if you're going to be investing Canadian funds, you basically should have some accountability.
I'll go to KAIROS first, and then Mr. Hunt.
When you're abroad, you hear from communities that have concerns around Canadian companies and their conduct. What do you think this bill would do to change the discourse, if you will, between the people who are in those communities and the reputation of Canada as a country? How do you think this bill can help with that?