Thank you, Chair, and thank you to our guests for coming today. I think most people would appreciate having more time with all of you, but we'll take advantage of the time that we do have, considering that the G-8 and G-20 meetings are around the corner and the issues are many.
I'd like to start with the issue of child and maternal health to try to clarify some of the debate that has been going on—at least here. I want to understand the comments that both of you made about the importance of an integrated approach, where you said that to have a real effect on outcomes, we need to have an “integrated basket”, as you put it, and that separating out any of the component parts would probably do a disservice. I'm saying this because I think that most people who are looking at this issue get the fact that you have to invest in critical areas on the ground to expand capacity and, just as we just heard from Mr. Lunney's questions and your responses, to have the appropriate people there, and to find creative ways of matching the resources with the people who need the help.
So what I'm wanting to get from you is whether you know of any NGO or any country in the G-8 or G-20 that has recommended separating out reproductive health from an integrated approach. If so, who are they, and why have they stated that?