Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank Ms. Elsawi for coming before the committee today.
I was fortunate enough to be in New York for Beijing Plus 10 in 2005 and watched how women across the world worked together on really important issues. So I appreciate your raising the 1995 Beijing conference and the importance it had for Sudanese women.
I also want to acknowledge the importance of gender mainstreaming and gender equality when donor countries are allocating funds and how important it is that this be a consideration. I hope the government will take note of the importance of that kind of work.
I wanted to touch on the women's common agenda. I was specifically looking at some of their recommendations and the campaigns around election periods. These are listed as short-term recommendations. They look like pretty ambitious recommendations when I look at things like equal access to all media platforms, equal access for financial resources. So I wonder in this lead-up to the referendum if women's organizations are getting access to media and resources to help them encourage, inform, and educate women about the importance of this referendum.