Thank you very much, Chair.
Thank you, Mr. Cannon, for being here today.
I have a number of questions; in fact, I have three or four more questions after listening to some of your answers to my colleagues' questions here. Feel free to be brief in your answers if you wish.
Minister, in the main estimates under grants on page 11-6, there was a grant to the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development, also known, of course, as Rights and Democracy. It's almost $5 million. Canadians of course are proud of the work of this organization, but as you are aware, the organization is in tumult because of the behaviour of its board of directors.
The conduct of the board members is governed by the International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development Act. In section 24 of that act, the board members are required to act honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the centre.
Earlier this month, the chair of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission alleged that the board members are destroying a great Canadian institution. She's one of the distinguished board members who quit in disgust because of the behaviour of the remaining board members.
My question to you is do you think the board members may be in violation of this act of Parliament?