Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
My question is for Sarah.
First, I'd like to make the comment that from the statistics I'm looking at here, the optimism for the future doesn't look that great either. At present we're looking at $4 billion total annual income from both foreign assistance and oil revenues. However, there's some question on the oil revenue as to whether even that could be maintained consistently, because some of those areas are part of the disputed border areas.
Given that the food possibilities and the farmland are controlled by foreign ownership, the prospects don't look very good to even get beyond the possibilities, with no corruption and all the money being channelled through to the citizenry at a dollar-a-day existence level.
You're monitoring the election. I, too, have monitored elections on 12 different issues in a number of different countries, and I'm somewhat familiar with how they do it with general elections. A referendum should not be that much different at the monitoring level, from your aspect.
How are these expectations being manifested? Is it through the media, through campaign promises, or through promises from different areas? In your assessment, will you be putting forward a full reporting on how you feel the whole issue of separation is being characterized? Is it being characterized from a positive aspect? How is that being done, and who is putting forward those expectations that are leading people to head down that road?
As a second question, you mentioned that you have an acceptance level of a 60% turnout for voters. What is the level of acceptance of the vote itself? Is it a fifty plus one percent, or is it a higher percentage? I ask that because if you take a 60% turnout level with a fifty plus one percent, you can literally have a vote for separation of 30% of the population.
Another element that should be considered, too, is the component of women. In my understanding, from what you said, the component of women being accepted or coming forward to register for the vote is very, very low. You could effectively have, maybe, a 10% level of women on a successful referendum.
Could you tell me what the level is on the percentage of acceptance of the vote, and maybe comment on how you'll be reporting on some of the other elements that seem to be guiding people in specific directions of support?