I have just a comment on one of the organizations that's been at issue here, which is the B'Tselem organization.
I understand your point, Mr. Matas, and I appreciate the depth of your feeling and point of view, but I'd just like to point out that according to their websites, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Christian Aid (UK), Commission of the European Communities, DanChurchAid Denmark, Diakonia Sweden, Development Corporation Ireland, the German development organization, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland, the Ford Foundation, the Norwegian foreign ministry, as well as the Dutch organization have all determined that supporting an organization that is advocating on behalf of human rights in the West Bank and Gaza is a legitimate organization. I think you do have to think a little bit about where the balance lies and not assume the worst with respect to the motivations of an organization such as Rights and Democracy, which is engaging in support of this organization or others.
I hold no grief or candle to them one way or the other. I'm just saying that one does have to recognize that a number of other respected governments have determined that this is an organization worthy of support. If you say no, it isn't, that's of course the right of the board to do that, but I think the board has to take into account to some degree the overall policy of the Government of Canada with respect to the question of what kind of a solution we see as being essential for the future of the Middle East. I do think that's something the board is going to have to consider.
My last point, Mr. Chairman, is this. In light of Mr. Matas' testimony today, as well as Mr. Braun's, Mr. Gauthier's, and Mr. Farquhar's, I really think this committee has an obligation...not to micromanage the organization, but you're describing, first of all, a level of dysfunction, which I think is important for us to hear about and to get your views on. We also have a very clear view from Mr. Matas as to how there are profound issues about the organization itself, based on the change in circumstances.
The idea that somehow it's inappropriate for us to look at an organization that has clearly been in crisis strikes me as rather odd, since it is funded by Parliament and is responsible to Parliament. I suggest to my friend, Mr. Abbott, that perhaps we might want to rethink this question, because you are telling us that you're going to have to look at some very fundamental issues. Quite frankly, if that's what you think you have to do, I think we have an obligation as members of Parliament to know what those new directions are, and to know what the implications of those directions are.