Thank you very much. It's my pleasure to be here.
In fact it's a bit of fun for me, in the sense that I spent a number of years working on developing-country issues with the World Bank and the IMF. I toted up the number of countries I worked on during the late 1980s and in the 1990s, and a few in the past decade, and there have been 18 countries worked on, particularly on tax reforms in various countries.
As part of that work, of course, not only do you end up spending time dealing with government officials on some of the issues they have to deal with in trying to move their countries forward, but you also end up spending a lot of time talking to private investors about some of the issues they face in terms of their foreign direct investment.
The overall point I want to make is that the real success in where the private sector can help contribute to growth and prosperity in a country depends very much on the strength of the public institutions and public policy in those countries. I'm going to tell you a couple of stories based on my personal experience, but I think it's a very important point, and I'll say a couple of things just at the very end in terms of things Canada can do with respect to that.
Let me first tell you what I would call a sad story, and then another one that is a very good story.
I worked quite a bit at one point in the early 1990s in Guyana. Guyana at that time was--and I think still is--the second-poorest country in the Americas, after Haiti. It's a country with very good resources, a very well-meaning public service, and the people really wanted to do much better than the way the country was moving. Unfortunately, they didn't have the right public policies in place.
One of the saddest stories I found was that the government had allowed Malaysian forest companies to come in and cut down large sections of forest. The government got very little in the way of royalties or tax revenues out of their operations. The regulations, of course, were very poor. And the public, in the end, were very angry, mainly at the foreign direct investors, who they felt were taking advantage of them. But frankly, it was really the bad public policies that were in place.
There was a need to have much better work and advice on the kinds of tax systems you put in place and the kinds of regulatory systems you have for various projects. I was in Guyana to help with corporate tax reform, basically trying to get away from the special preferences--the tax holidays, some of the things that were done in order to attract investment but that ended up being poorly administered, with very little revenue yield for Guyana.
In the end they did make a number of changes, but they had a lot of challenges. They lost so many of their top people to New York and Toronto. It was a real challenge for the people who remained and who were trying to do their best in order to grow the economy--and that's a story in itself.
The key point is that if you have better public policies in place, people will see the value of foreign direct investment in some of the things that do take place in the private economy, because they'll get the benefits and the spinoffs associated with them.
The second story is with respect to Bulgaria. Frankly, of the 18 countries I worked on, this is the one where we probably had the biggest success. In 1997 Bulgaria went through a very severe devaluation and inflationary period. It was a very difficult time for the Bulgarians. They had not a lot of foreign direct investment. Their growth was very poor.
They had IMF and World Bank missions come in on various public policy issues, including improving their monetary policy and a number of other public policies, such as education. And of course I was brought in with a team to work on tax reform. What we suggested was to get rid of the tax holidays and undertake some significant changes in the tax system--basically lowering rates and broadening tax bases, the usual mantra you would typically hear from tax policy experts.
I remember the investment promotion agency head who told me if we get rid of tax holidays we won't attract any foreign direct investment into the country. I said no, actually, if you get the rate low enough.... You've had so many generous tax holidays in place, but if you get the rate low enough you'll find you'll get foreign direct investment coming in. And Bulgaria actually succeeded. They had a government that was very motivated to try to improve things.
Bulgaria undertook a lot of major reforms at that point, including corporate tax reform. They pretty well followed through with a lot of the recommendations we made. Happily, I can say they started attracting an overwhelming amount of foreign direct investment after that point. It rose to 8% or 9% of GDP about five years later. I guess the investment promotion agency was a bit out of work because they no longer had much to do in that sense. Bulgaria's growth rate improved quite significantly over that period. Because they put better public policies in place, they were able to attract not just foreign direct investment but improve their education systems and do a number of other things that I think were very important to the country. They certainly had a much better period after 1997 compared to what happened prior to that period, when their public policies were failing and not doing their job in terms of growth and other things they needed.
What struck me the most in 1998 was seeing pensioners in Bulgaria on fixed incomes and there was very high inflation. They really suffered a lot. Over the next number of years, with much better public finances in place, the country has improved quite a bit. That is a lot of the work the IMF and World Bank try to do in various countries.
I think Canada can contribute to that, especially in areas where we're very strong in terms of our own leadership and in terms of the economy and the sorts of things we do well. Those are of course in two areas: one is in finance and the other is in extractive resource industries, mining and oil and gas. I think we have an opportunity as a country to try to work with countries to try to improve their public policies. In the extractive resource sector, as an example, we often talk about the importance of training and education and things like that. These large projects do have a very significant impact on various countries that are rich in resources.
Handling that is a critical issue. Some of the civil strife that evolves because of the lack of public policies that try to engage the community as a whole I think is very important. When working in these various countries, if you put the right fiscal policies in place, regulatory policies and community development policies, that works very well. It's amazing how good Canadian companies are at understanding the importance of doing these things, as well as American companies, I should add. We have a very good record as a country.
I think over time we should look at how we can leverage the strength of our own private sector in certain areas as they work in various countries and how we can help various governments improve their public policies so they can achieve much better economic growth. None of this is simple, but I can tell you it's really important to get the right conditions in place. This includes making sure the public gets the benefits that come from various investments that do take place in their jurisdiction and helping them along.
I think that's a good place to stop, Mr. Chairman.