All of the work that we are doing in the context of this initiative in Ghana and elsewhere is to ensure that local people in Bibiani, and Ghana as a whole, benefit to the greatest extent possible in terms of the investments that are being made by binding firms in that country. So our work is to help strengthen the governance around that sector so that Ghana benefits from it, so that people in Ghana benefit from it, so that people in Bibiani District, where there are five mining firms operating, also benefit from those operations taking place there, and not just have royalties go to the national government, for example.
Our initiative is to try to connect those different pieces together so that not only does the national government get its royalties, but people at the local level get their royalties, so that people at the local level are able to work out conflicts, enhance collaboration, and increase local investment in the areas in which they are operating. And I think Ghana itself has indicated that natural resource extraction is going to be an important part of its national development strategies. So I think we need to help them in that respect.
Where does Canadian funding come in and not come in? Well, again, it's not happening in our project, but I think there are lots of things that companies have to do to get their social licence for operating in the areas where they are, investments that they need to make in the sustainability of operations, in terms of social environmental sustainability, and often they will also do some small projects around their mine that are much more concrete, such as a school or a clinic.
I don't think Canadian funding is needed for that. I think those are all things that Canadian companies and mining companies can and should do themselves.
But were there opportunities to both leverage Canadian mining funds or the funds of non-Canadian firms towards greater social goods, I think that's a worthwhile thing to do. In general, I think it's also worthwhile doing that if the investments are investments that, again, enhance the governance of that sector. By enhancing the governance, what we mean is enhancing the benefits that people actually derive from the investments that are being made.