I would like to thank you for inviting us to appear before you today to talk about the role of the private sector.
My presentation is going to be in French. I am a francophone from Montreal. I grew up in Montreal and I studied at HEC Montréal. It is a great honour for me to be here today and to be able to share our experience in Haiti with you.
I have submitted documents in both French and English. I have a few others but they are in English only. I have Fonkoze's annual report and social performance report.
The social performance report and the annual report are here, and I also have some small flyers about Zafèn, which that I will speak about a bit later.
I was told that I had to do both at the same time, and that is what I am going to try to do. There are some pictures missing, but that is not a big deal.
First of all, Fonkoze is a microfinance institution in Haiti that has been around for over 16 years. We have more than 270,000 savers and more than 60,000 credit clients. The founding principle on which we operate is that women are the backbone of the economy. You can’t just give them a loan; you also have to support them in their fight against poverty. If you just give them money, it is not going to work.
We are also talking about the fact that all Haitians must participate in the Haitian economy. So, in a commune or in a communal section, we make sure that everyone participates, even those who are very poor and who are not necessarily able to do business. We include them in the process. We will talk about this later.
Democracy cannot survive in Haiti without an economic democracy. That is quite important. Father Joseph, the founder of Fonkoze, has always said that there will be no democracy in Haiti if people do not have access to finance, or if people cannot have savings and access to insurance or credit to run their business. It may seem trivial, but those are the facts. The poor cannot think about voting and about being involved in politics if they don't have access to finance first.
The final pillar is the Haitian diaspora and that is what I am most involved in at Fonkoze. The general feeling is that there will be no opportunities in Haiti as long as the diaspora—Haitians living abroad or migrants who left the country—does not get involved in the Haitian economy as well. So we support their efforts. We know they send $1.8 billion annually in remittances.
How can we make those money transfers smoother? Most transfers are definitely for consumption. But some of those transfers are for investments. Yet investments are not always successful. Problems may crop up. We are trying to find ways to support people and to make those investments possible so that they are not lost.
I have already provided an outline. We have 46 branches across the country with over 900 employees, and 99% of our clients are women. We have over 60,000 credit clients, representing a $16 million credit portfolio. We have 270,000 savers; that’s a $26 million portfolio in savings from the people who save with us. Last year, we had $96 million in remittances from the diaspora. And we have about $34 million in assets at Fonkoze.
Essentially, Fonkoze's mission is to eliminate poverty. You can see all the branches we have. I mentioned that there were 46 branches; we got the country covered. It is very important to keep that whole territory in mind. When you talk about partnerships with the private sector and when my colleague talks about an existing microfinance infrastructure, it is an infrastructure that can make marketing possible and that can promote involvement in health, for example, or other involvements. The infrastructure is there and, since all the branches have computers and satellites, they can communicate with each other. This is quite a significant infrastructure. Once again, with 900 employees, we are not a small organization.
You see a bunch of little dots. We have a number of credit centres; we have 1,750 centres across the country. Groups of women get together to receive credit, but also to receive financial and health-related training. The training does not necessarily have to be about financial matters. It can be about something else.
All those centres are active. They have meetings every week or every two weeks. Here is quite an interesting image to help you see that our credit officers cross rivers and climb mountains. That is why I wanted to show you this picture. In some cases, they risk their lives to reach our clients. Here is an example of a group.
As I was telling you, microfinance is not just microcredit. It also entails microsavings, microinsurance, microcapital, money transfers, as well as any non-financial services. We are talking about financial literacy and leadership training to ensure that people can stand up to talk about their problems and seek solutions. Those are some of the issues that the groups deal with.
Here is what we call the “Staircase out of Poverty”, which includes all the products and services provided by Fonkoze to alleviate poverty. I will not go into too much detail, given the time I have, but we offer a number of products to clients, depending on where they are at. Some are very poor and are not able to run a business. They are really too far down the poverty ladder. What they need first is an 18-month program, involving a case manager. They meet with the case manager every week to talk business. They learn to read and write or to at least sign their names. We also do asset transfers. We give them young goats that are part of what we call the livestock. We show them how to start a small business, but we cannot give them credit right away. We have to reintegrate them first. This is called the Chemen Lavi Miyò program or the Road to a Better Life. It is in purple at the bottom.
Once they complete the program, they usually have more stability. Their homes are more stable. The children go to school and eat fairly regularly. They are able to cope with everyday problems. This stability enables them to either be part of a credit process or to work perhaps, which is quite significant. We realized that by limiting ourselves to solidarity-group credit, so by working with groups, we were leaving many people behind who could not access this type of credit or, if they had access, they were not able to succeed.
Once the solidarity group stage is complete, and they have gone through all the processes, the people can access personal credit in the official sector. That is a milestone. Actually, nothing has been official yet. It is at this stage that it becomes official. People have access to various types of credit. This is when additional guarantees come into play. We can offer them various products. It is quite an integrated approach through which we really target people based on where they are in society and on their ability to have access to finance.
In terms of our promise, we measure it in the social performance impact report that we are committed to produce each year. We check if things are working or not, but we promise our people that they will have food daily, that their children will go to school, that they will learn to write regardless of their age—for example, this lady was quite old, but she learned to read and write—and that they will have tin roofs, cement floors and latrines, which is quite something. They will be able to accumulate assets. They will also be able to face the future with more confidence. Being part of a network enables them to take care of some problems without waiting for international aid. As I said, we also measure the social impact.
As for the people in Canada with whom we do business the most, I am not sure if you have heard of ROCAHD or the Regroupement des organismes canado-haïtiens pour le développement. It has been around for over 20 years. When Father Joseph had the idea of founding a microfinance institution, the people from ROCAHD, this Haitian association in Canada, were the first ones to believe in Fonkoze. That is where Fonkoze got its first loan, a loan of $12,000.
I found that approach very interesting, especially since, in looking at the investments of Haitians abroad, we are now wondering how to improve the flow. So it is a good thing that they had the vision that this could work.
Since 2010, the KANPE foundation, with Arcade Fire, have been raising funds and have been working with us specifically in a village called Bay Tourib, in the Central Plateau, where we have set up the CLM program or Chemen Lavi Miyò, which targets the poorest of the poor, and Partners in Health.
Partners in Health, co-founded by Paul Farmer.
In terms of the general public, Zafèn is a program for small and medium enterprises. It is a bit like Kiva, but really aimed at small and medium enterprises. You can take a look online and see a list of businesses and the types of loans they are looking for. You can set up the loan online.
Canada is the second most active country for us. The number of participating Canadian taxpayers is growing by the day. It is always surprising to see the number of visits we get.
In terms of interest for Canada, I think we need to talk about microinsurance. I won't go too far into that, but I would just like to say that this component might need to be addressed. If your committee is interested, we could send people to talk about microinsurance. Développement international Desjardins (DID) is on the market looking for agricultural microinsurance. We have microinsurance for disasters.
We also have life insurance. The insurance model works if we have enough volume. For example, DID started to develop its own insurance. So we would have competition. People would certainly benefit from it, but there would be more profit if we could agree on only one insurance model for the same population. So I would like to throw this idea out there to look into microinsurance. We have actually developed quite an attractive model. There are even countries other than Haiti that are studying this model and that would like to use it.
To conclude as far as Zafèn is concerned, we have an investment fund that might be of interest to you if you are looking to support small and medium enterprises. I am not talking about micro-enterprises. I am talking about businesses that create jobs, more than four or five jobs, and that give back to the community. That is what we are looking at.
It is equally interesting to see that the diaspora is also suggesting businesses in which to invest. We can help the ones that are viable through Zafèn. So that approach might be a way to support the Haitian diaspora in Canada.
Finally, there is always the vulnerable segment. When we talk about development on a large scale, we cannot forget about those most in need, the poorest of the poor. The Chemen Lavi Miyò program has demonstrated results. I have some statistics that I can share with you if you have any questions. This is something that can be done very easily. I would also like to invite DID to consider a partnership.
So there you go. Thank you.