Thank you, Mr. Chairman, vice-chairs, and distinguished members of the committee.
Thank you for your invitation today to brief you on the Canada-EU strategic partnership agreement.
I'm pleased to report that discussions on the strategic partnership agreement are advancing well, and that we expect to conclude the agreement later this year.
Let me give you a bit of background.
Canada-EU cooperation has a long and rich history. Canada is one of the European Union's oldest and closest partners. In fact, we were the first country to sign a formal agreement with the EU when we signed a treaty on the peaceful uses of atomic energy in 1959.
Our current high-level engagement is based upon the Canada-European Communities framework agreement for commercial and economic cooperation, which was signed in 1976. This agreement was intended to deepen the Canada-EU commercial relationship and to forge closer economic ties. This agreement was also the first of its kind between what was then the European Economic Community and an industrialized third country. However, it almost singularly focused on economic cooperation.
However, as you can imagine, much has changed in both the EU and in Canada over the past 35 years. The EU has expanded from 9 to 27 member states, and in 2010, with the coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU created new legal and organizational structures. This included the creation of the European External Action Service, which for all intents and purposes now serves as the foreign ministry for the European Union and has the authority to negotiate and sign legally binding agreements on behalf of the EU and its member states.
We have completed more than 30 agreements with the EU on a range of issues from air transport and fisheries to higher education and youth, and we're currently negotiating five more, including a comprehensive economic and trade agreement.
To manage our ever-expanding relationships with the EU, we hold regular leaders' summits and foreign ministers' meetings, as well as an annual joint cooperation committee meeting at the senior officials' level that reviews the entirety of our bilateral activities. During the year we also hold formal and informal regional and thematic foreign policy consultations among senior officials on everything from disarmament and human rights to the situation in the Middle East.
In recognition of these many changes and the potential for further enhancing Canadian and EU political cooperation, the EU proposed that we negotiate a political framework agreement that would facilitate existing and future areas for cooperation. Canada agreed, and I began my work as chief negotiator in September 2011.
In recognition of the longstanding and strategic nature of cooperation between Canada and the EU, the EU proposed, and we accepted, to name our framework the “Canada-EU strategic partnership agreement”. We have now concluded three formal rounds of negotiations and three discussions by video conference, and we hope to complete our negotiations in 2012.
The strategic partnership agreement is based on our shared values and principles of international peace and security, democracy, human rights and the rule of law and sustainable development; it identifies areas and mechanisms to strengthen our dialogue, cooperation and coordination in promoting these common objectives.
Through consultations with federal departments, we identified a number of potential benefits of a strategic partnership agreement. Among these were enhanced consultations and coordination in multilateral fora such as the UN, new dialogues in areas such as development cooperation, as well as strengthening the role of the joint cooperation committee to bring greater breadth and coherence to our engagement.
As the strategic partnership agreement is intended to provide the foundation for Canada-EU political cooperation well into the future, we have sought to craft balanced language that is forward-looking and enabling. In doing so, we have been mindful of the need to avoid areas of specific provincial or territorial jurisdiction and areas that could overlap with other existing agreements. To this end, I have held regular teleconference consultations with provincial and territorial representatives and have shared proposed language in cases where it might touch upon their areas of responsibility. They've been most cooperative and quite engaged.
We've divided the text into five broad sections or titles. The first is called the “basis for cooperation”, which outlines the general principles, the values, and the objectives underlying our cooperation in the next four areas, which are human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the rule of law; international peace and security and effective multilateralism; economic and sustainable development; and finally, justice, freedom, and security.
Each of these titles contain articles that describe the mechanisms we will employ to further strengthen our dialogue and coordination in promoting our shared values, including on human rights, non-proliferation, macroeconomic stability, sustainable development, environmental protection, and combatting terrorism and organized crime. We also highlight the importance of our extensive people-to-people linkages, including the value of regular exchanges of delegations among our respective parliamentarians.
The focus and objective of this agreement is to identify ways that we can share ideas and exchange best practices so that we can learn from each other and more effectively promote our shared values with other countries and regions of the world. We are also conscious of the need to avoid new expenditures, and instead seek to increase the effectiveness of our efforts through greater coherence and coordination.
Given the high degree of like-mindedness on most foreign policy issues, we have been able to reach agreement, in principle, on approximately 90% of the text during the last five months in negotiations. There are a few remaining areas to be agreed on, and we expect to resolve these through video conferences over the next few months.
One of these areas is the dispute settlement section. Canada has proposed text that emphasizes the need for an evidence-based approach based on dialogue and expert advice to resolve any differences in a timely and constructive manner.
The EU is currently studying Canada's proposal, and we expect to receive their reply within the next few weeks. Our next round will likely take place in March, by video conference, and I expect to make significant progress toward the goal of concluding in 2012.
Once we have reached an agreement on the text, and following the necessary approvals by cabinet, the strategic partnership agreement will be tabled in the House of Commons for 21 sitting days, in accordance with Canada's policy on the tabling of treaties in Parliament. During this period, members of Parliament can initiate a debate or may also request a vote on a motion regarding the agreement. To ensure that parliaments in Canada and Europe are kept up to date on the negotiations, we have provided briefings to members of the Canada-Europe Parliamentary Association and the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Canada.
With your support we look forward to the conclusion of an agreement in 2012 that will give both vision and voice to the continued growth and evolution in the Canada-EU relationship and further solidify our ties so that we can work together to address the most pressing foreign policy challenges that face us now and well into the future.
Thank you for your attention. I am ready to answer your questions.
I've brought with me a most esteemed colleague, John Kur. He is the real expert on European affairs, so if you have questions on very detailed matters, I will swiftly turn to him.