Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
As my colleague mentioned in her introduction, Canada's sovereignty over its lands and waters in the Arctic is long standing and well established. An understanding of the legal framework within which we are working will demonstrate how there are, in reality, few geopolitical tensions in the region.
I would like to take a few minutes to describe the reality on the ground with respect to the legal disputes we are currently dealing with and to demonstrate that Canada has a secure legal foundation in the Canadian Arctic. Let me first make something completely clear—there is no legal vacuum in the Arctic.
There are no legal vacuums in the Arctic.
There is an extensive international legal framework that applies to the Arctic. I am talking about the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Negotiated over many years, with considerable Canadian contributions, that convention is the most comprehensive instrument governing the oceans, with 164 states parties—3 of which are our neighbours in the Arctic region. The U.S. administration has indicated that it is a priority for them to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. In the meantime, they will extensively apply the legal principles found therein.
Mr. Chairman, I hope that a review of the facts will help dispel some other myths and clarify the realities of the situation in the Arctic. Some commentators and academics tend to conflate the concepts of Arctic sovereignty with security in the Arctic. Some have suggested that a regime similar to that found in the Antarctic could be suitable for the Arctic region. We disagree.
The Antarctic is a land mass that is covered by ice and is in dispute. The Arctic Ocean, on the other hand, is just that, an ocean covered by ice with the surrounding land owned by sovereign states: Canada, the U.S.A., Denmark, Norway, and Russia. These states are sovereign over their waters and their land and apply their domestic and international obligations with respect to the environment and navigation.
The reason for a special regime in the Antarctic is precisely to reduce the friction between disputing states and to protect the sensitive environment. It appears that the Antarctic Treaty is doing the job it was designed to do.
In the Arctic context, leadership and confidence-building by the Arctic Ocean states has reduced any potential for misunderstanding as to the mutual interests in the region. My colleague mentioned the Ilulissat Declaration, which was a landmark discussion between ministers in May 2008. Canada, together with the other four Arctic Ocean coastal states, met at the political level in Ilulissat, Greenland. The objective of this high-level meeting was to dispel the myth that the five Arctic coastal states were not taking their responsibilities seriously. The ministers stated unequivocally that: extensive international legal framework applies to the Arctic Ocean.... Notably, the law of the sea provides for important rights and obligations concerning the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf, the protection of the marine environment, including ice-covered areas, freedom of navigation, marine scientific research, and other uses of the sea. We remain committed to this legal framework and to the orderly settlement of any possible overlapping claims.
This framework provides a solid foundation for responsible management by the five coastal States and other users of this Ocean.... We therefore see no need to develop a new regime to govern the Arctic....
This was stated by the foreign ministers at the time. Of course, the complete text is available and we can supply you with the website.
As for disputes, there are three that Canada is concerned with in this region. These are well managed and will be resolved peaceably in accordance with international law. I'll run through them very quickly.
Many of you will be aware of Hans Island. It's the only land under dispute in the Canadian Arctic. This is a 1.3 square kilometre barren and uninhabited island and is claimed by Denmark. Since the maritime boundary between Canada and Denmark in the Kennedy Channel, where Hans Island is located, was settled by treaty in 1973, the dispute about Hans Island has no implication for the surrounding waters or the seabed. This dispute is well managed in accordance with a joint statement of September 19, 2005, between Canada and Denmark, and regular bilateral discussions take place to move toward a mutually acceptable solution.
In the Lincoln Sea north of Ellesmere Island and Greenland, Canada and Denmark dispute two small maritime areas of approximately 65 square nautical miles in total. Canada and Denmark agreed in the 1970s that the boundary in the Lincoln Sea should be an equidistant line, but disagreed on some technical aspects about how the equidistant line should be drawn. Canadian and Danish experts have met informally to exchange technical information about the Canada-Denmark boundary, including the Lincoln Sea, and are continuing their technical work. Canadian and Danish officials believe the work of technical experts will provide a good basis to move forward on this dispute.
In the Beaufort Sea north of the Yukon and Alaska, Canada and the United States dispute the maritime boundary. The United States does not agree with Canada's consistent and long-held position that the 1825 Treaty of St. Petersburg establishes the maritime boundary along the 141st meridian of longitude, resulting in a disputed maritime area measuring approximately 6,250 square nautical miles. The United States and Canada have both offered oil and gas exploration licences and leases in the disputed zone, but neither country has allowed exploration or development in the area pending resolution of the dispute.
Further to the understanding reached between former Minister of Foreign Affairs Cannon and U.S. Secretary of State Clinton, government experts from both countries are engaged in a dialogue on technical aspects of the maritime boundary in the Beaufort Sea and the extended continental shelf. Surveys and other work being done by Canada and the U.S. to define the outer limits of their continental shelves will be helpful to this dialogue. Experts have met or otherwise been in contact regularly as part of the dialogue.
I would like to turn briefly to the work being done to define the limits of Canada's continental shelf.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provides that coastal states have sovereign rights over the natural resources of the sea bed and subsoil of the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles from coastal baselines, as well as jurisdiction over certain activities on the extended shelf. The convention sets out a process the states must follow to determine with precision where they may exercise those rights and jurisdiction and gain international recognition for those limits.
The first step in this process involves making a submission to an expert body called the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf. As an aside, I would like to note that Minister Baird welcomed the election, in June 2012, of Richard Haworth for a five-year term. He is the first Canadian member of the commission.
Canada is currently engaged in the scientific, technical and legal work necessary to prepare its submission to the commission to define the outer limits of its shelf in the Arctic and the Atlantic, and is co-operating with other Arctic Ocean coastal states in this work. Canada intends to file its submission with the commission in December 2013.
A few years later, the commission will review Canada's submission and provide recommendations, based on which Canada will define its outer limits. The continental shelves of Arctic Ocean coastal states may potentially overlap, but the extent and location of these overlaps is not yet known. Any overlaps will be resolved bilaterally in accordance with international law.
Mr. Chairman, briefly, there's been a lot of speculation by commentators and academics with respect to the Northwest Passage. No one disputes that the various waterways known as the Northwest Passage are Canadian waters. The issue is not about sovereignty over the waters or the islands; it's about the legal status of these waters and, consequently, the extent of control Canada can exercise over foreign navigation.
Some have argued that these waters are straits used for international navigation, and as such, a right-of-transit passage should be permitted through them. Canada's position is that these waters are internal waters by virtue of historic title and not an international strait. For greater clarity, Canada drew straight baselines around its Arctic islands in 1986. As a result, Canada has an unfettered right to regulate the Northwest Passage as it would land territory.
Let there be no misunderstanding, Mr. Chairman. Canada welcomes navigation in its Arctic internal waters, provided that ships respect Canadian conditions and controls. Shipping in the Arctic will be instrumental for the responsible and sustainable development of the north, the second pillar of the government's integrated northern strategy.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.