Thank you, Chair. I'd like to thank you and the members of the committee for inviting me here this morning.
I'm going to talk about the international legal regime for the Arctic. It's a topic on which I think there's some public misunderstanding. Speculation about the need for a new legal regime and imagined disputes over territory and resources I think ignore the legal reality that actually exists in the area. Let me provide some fairly basic clarification.
When I'm talking about the Arctic, I really mean primarily the waters and seabed of the Arctic Ocean, not the land territories of the states that surround the Arctic, although I'll say a few words about the land a little later on. The Arctic Ocean is just that; it's an ocean, water that historically for most of the year was covered with ice. As an ocean it's governed by the regime set out in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which largely reflects customary international law. The fact that the U.S. is not a party of the treaty is for the most part of no real significance.
In legal terms, the Arctic is like any other ocean around the world, whether we're talking about the Pacific, the Indian, the Atlantic, or even the Mediterranean Sea, except that it has been historically covered by ice. As a result, each coastal state in the Arctic is entitled to the living and non-living resources of a 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone and the resources of the continental shelf extending beyond 200 nautical miles, to the limits of the continental margin.
These are rights that belong to the coastal state automatically and don't have to be claimed by the state. That's why the Russian flag-dropping incident of a few years ago, while amusing and scientifically interesting, was of no legal significance whatsoever, and the Russians themselves recognized that.
Just as the states within the region cannot enhance their positions by making claims, rights over the continental shelf within the Arctic cannot be claimed by states from outside the region. The continental shelf, in legal terms, is the prolongation of the land territory. If you don't have any land in the area, then you cannot have a continental shelf.
There are, of course, five Arctic coastal states: the United States, Canada, Russia, Norway, and Denmark, in respect of Greenland. The other states that are often referred to as Arctic states—Iceland, Sweden, and Finland—all of whom are members of the Arctic Council, do not have any rights over the waters or of the continental shelf that extends into the Arctic Ocean. They are blocked by the Arctic five, whose EEZs, exclusive economic zones, essentially surround the Arctic Ocean. This means that access to the Arctic Ocean has to be through the EEZ of at least one of the Arctic states.
The distance to which the continental shelves of the Arctic states extend beneath the waters of the Arctic Ocean is a matter that is of course being investigated by all of the Arctic coastal states. There's a complicated formula under the Law of the Sea treaty involving distance and sedimentary depth, and it is to determine these outer limits that these large-scale scientific investigations have been undertaken in the last few years by most of the Arctic coastal states. Canada, as you know, has been engaged in collaborative research with both the United States and Denmark.
Canada must submit its view on the limits of the continental shelf to the United Nations body, the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf, by the end of 2013. But one must be a little cautious about this. Given the backlog in the commission's work, it may be 20 years before the commission will actually express its views on Canada's submission. That would be 20 years before we could be confident that the limits of the continental shelf in the Arctic had been finalized.
Although it may be some years before we know the precise outer limits, I think most predictions are that most of the seabed of the Arctic Ocean will be subject to the continental shelf jurisdiction of the Arctic coastal states. There will not be much left there that will be international seabed, and that means that boundaries will have to be drawn between the continental shelf jurisdictions of these states.
There are rules for determining maritime boundaries based on the Law of the Sea treaty. They are not very clear—they are somewhat vague—but they have been developed in state practice and in the decisions of international tribunals. The Arctic states have indicated in the 2008 Ilulissat Declaration that the Law of the Sea regime will apply to the Arctic, so the rules for maritime boundary delimitation will apply when they have to come and determine the continental shelf boundaries beyond 200 nautical miles.
Let me turn to another aspect of the Arctic Ocean, and that is navigation. The bulk of the Arctic Ocean is high seas, and thus there is freedom of navigation through it. But as I mentioned earlier, access through the Arctic Ocean must go through the exclusive economic zone of at least one Arctic coastal state.
Under article 234 of the Law of the Sea treaty, Arctic coastal states can establish within their exclusive economic zones—in areas that are ice-covered for much of the year and where there are exceptional hazards to navigation—non-discriminatory rules relating to marine pollution from vessels. They can enforce those rules. An attempt is being made, through negotiations in the IMO, for the development of a binding polar code that would establish binding international standards for navigation in Arctic waters, and it would therefore make national rules uniform.
There are, of course, two more specific navigation questions in respect of the Arctic. Russia claims that parts of the northern sea route are the internal waters of Russia, and Canada claims that the waters of the Northwest Passage are the internal waters of Canada. We solidified that claim when we drew straight baselines around the Arctic archipelago in 1985.
Because the United States and some European states object in principle to the treatment of the Northwest Passage's internal waters and regard it as an international strait, there is a dispute over this. I would suggest that as a practical matter this dispute is overblown. The United States does not object in practice to the actual jurisdiction being exercised by Canada, although if you raise an issue with the United States, such as the NORDREG extension, it makes an objection in principle. This objection, in my view, is more about the implications of Canada's position for other waterways around the world than concern about what Canada does or might do.
Moreover, because of the 1988 icebreaker agreement between Canada and the United States, U.S. government ships will pass through the Northwest Passage with the consent of Canada. The issue again, as I say, is a matter of principle, not really a matter of practice.
The real test for Canada's authority—or Russia's, for that matter—will come if Canada has to arrest a foreign flag vessel in the Northwest Passage and the flag state challenges Canada's right to do so. In my view, such a challenge would fail, either because the internal waters claim would be upheld or because Canada's exercise of jurisdiction, in any event, will be justified under article 234 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
Given the hazards of navigation in the Arctic, which will no doubt remain into the foreseeable future, the most likely scenario is that vessels transiting the Northwest Passage will need the kind of coast guard support that Russia provides in the northern sea route. We see this with the current vessel, the LNG carrier Ob River.
I think the greater openness of the northern sea route may suggest that passage through the Arctic Ocean in the near future will more likely take that route. Northwest Passage navigation may be more to provide access to and from resource development activities on land or to coastal communities. I would suggest that practical challenges to Canada's jurisdiction of the Northwest Passage seem unlikely, but of course one can never rule them out.
I would suggest the consequence is that Canada's position in respect of the Northwest Passage is best enhanced by simply going ahead with treating it and managing it as internal waters and retaining it as open to international navigation. I think repeated attempts to try to get the United States to agree with us are counterproductive. The U.S. has good geopolitical reasons for not agreeing with Canada. At the same time, it has good reasons not to object to what Canada is doing in practice. I would suggest that long-term acquiescence in the management that Canada exercises may be more important than an objection in principle, and therefore we should not encourage the United States to object in principle to what we're doing.
I will mention a couple of other legal issues with respect to the Arctic. First, title to land territory in the Arctic is not really an issue, except with respect to what we might describe as the Lilliputian question of sovereignty over Hans Island, which has no strategic geopolitical and probably no resource implications, and no doubt can be managed between Canada and Denmark. Second, there are a few outstanding maritime boundary issues within 200 nautical miles. There are some minor ones with Denmark in the Lincoln Sea and a major one with the United States in the Beaufort Sea.
Again, there are principles of law to resolve these issues. In the case of the Beaufort Sea, Canada and the United States could send the matter to international arbitration, or the ICJ, as we did in the Gulf of Maine case. I would suggest that—given the inconsistency between a boundary that is good for Canada within 200 nautical miles and what is good for Canada on the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles—further thought needs to be given to the Canadian position before entrusting it to international dispute settlement.
There is a major gap in the international legal regime, and that is the involvement of Arctic indigenous peoples. The Law of the Sea Treaty was negotiated before any real concern was given to indigenous rights. Major instruments recognizing those rights, such as the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, came later. The Arctic is an area that has historically been, and in many respects still is, predominantly occupied by indigenous peoples. The Arctic Council provides for permanent indigenous participation. The legal rights to land and maritime territory rest with the Arctic Five, not with the full membership of the Arctic Council. When the Arctic Five have met, as they did in Ilulissat in 2008, there was no indigenous representation.
There is a broader policy concern, and this is where I'd like to finish on the appropriate level for Arctic diplomacy. The Arctic is often seen by countries in Europe and around the world as an area of international interest and concern. It is true that many issues affecting the Arctic have to be dealt with on a multilateral basis—global warming, atmospheric pollution, and some aspects of marine pollution. They can't be resolved by the Arctic coastal states acting alone. Title to territory in the Arctic and ownership of the mineral resources and fisheries within 200 nautical miles and beyond, as far as the continental shelf is concerned, is national. It rests with the Arctic Five states. What's the balance to be effected between Arctic diplomacy at the level of the Arctic Five coastal states, at the level of the broader Arctic Council, or at the broadest level of the international community? That is a major issue for Canada in trying to implement an Arctic foreign policy.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I look forward to any questions you may have.