I get the two aspects to this because we know that in the case of the Ottawa treaty, the landmines treaty, there is a provision in the bill around interoperability so that we, in fact, can have Canadian forces with American forces under the treaty, wherein, it would be prohibited for Canadian forces to be commanded or in any way, shape, or form, to be asked to use landmines. The Ottawa landmines treaty is very different from what we're seeing here in clause 11.
My question is, why do we see the difference between what's in the Ottawa treaty, in the provisions of interoperability, versus what's in clause 11 of the bill, which essentially says that we can be in a situation where a Canadian Forces...? And I appreciate, Minister, your claims that no Canadian Forces member will ever be directed or will ever use cluster munitions. I take your word; I believe you're committed. But, of course, when we're talking about enaction of a treaty, and enacting a treaty, and putting into law, you're not going to be around forever, and I want guarantees—