I think it's very important for Global Affairs to understand the demand on their services. What services are being demanded? Where are those services being demanded, and how can they can meet them? I think one of the things that we also indicate in the report is that the move from the five-year passport to the 10-year passport will cause, at least over a period of time, a decrease in the revenue being collected. That may indicate that there will be a significant difference between the revenue collected that is supposed to go towards consular services and the cost of providing those consular services.
I think it's very much, again, back to the department to really understand what level of service they are saying they are going to offer. How are they doing on that now? Where they aren't providing those services to the level that they said they should be providing them, can they then reallocate resources? If they can't reallocate resources, then how do they bridge that gap between the services they said they will offer and the resources they have available to offer them?