Colleagues, I want to take this opportunity to thank both ministers for appearing before the committee.
I very much appreciate both ministers' opening comments, in particular the comments relating to the importance that Minister Dion and Minister Bibeau place on the estimates. I think it's very important for us as a new government and as a new Parliament to look at the estimates, and the supplementary estimates that we'll have a chance to look at, as an opportunity for us to get information on behalf of the Canadian people. That really is about openness and transparency.
I want to thank you very much for this first opportunity to do so and to invite you to come back very soon, when our supplementary estimates come in.
Lastly, everyone got a chance today, which was good. This was very impressive and a good start to the relationship with these two very important ministers.
On behalf of the committee, thank you.
We'll take a short recess and then we'll come back in the second hour with the officials.