I'm going to put on my medical hat for this one.
I'm proposing that clause 2 be amended by deleting lines 34 to 39 on page 2. It removes the duty to report.
There are several issues with this duty to report. When you look at the medical profession, whether you're a doctor, nurse or pharmacist, I don't think you would break your medical privacy code to report to another authority. I don't think that would be possible; neither do I think it's necessary. Also, you are encroaching upon provincial and territorial jurisdiction in regard to health, which would be another issue.
The other thing is that the way it's written, it would broadly capture organ transplants that happened lawfully in Canada and you would have to create another reporting authority, which I think is unnecessary.
On the duty to report, I'll just give you a very clear answer. If somebody goes to get a transplant in another jurisdiction and they come to Canada and go to see a physician, the physician will not report that. If that patient comes to me, there are very specific, targeted medications for transplant patients. I will, under no circumstances, report it. If the person needs medical care in a hospital and a nurse is involved, there is no way that a nurse is actually going to report that.
This duty to report is not practical. It's going to create another regime, which is obviously going to take up resources. I don't think the duty to report is necessary, so I say we should just remove it.