Thank you very much.
My presentation today will focus on the role of sanctions as a tool of foreign policy. More specifically, I will discuss how imposing sanctions can have some short-term benefits, but constrain future options and end up bringing more costs than gains.
My starting point at the beginning is that the government's commitment to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran is good policy. It is in Canada's interest to regain its foothold in Iran for diplomatic, consular, commercial, and strategic reasons. Being back in Tehran will provide Ottawa with valuable eyes and ears on the ground; facilitate the management of difficult consular cases; better position Canada to develop trade ties with one of the Middle East's largest economies; and allow the government to develop channels of communication with a key regional power.
Having a Canadian channel in Tehran could also potentially position Ottawa as a source of information for Washington, which is obviously not there, and potentially as a messenger. It is not a coincidence that in 2012 Washington was not happy with Canada's decision to suspend bilateral ties.
Reopening Canada's embassy in Tehran is much easier said than done, in large part because of the legacy of actions taken by the previous government. As I have said in other circumstances before, it booby-trapped Canada's bilateral relations with Iran. This is in part—not completely, but in part—why after one year into the current government, relations have not been re-established and progress has been at best very slow.
Particularly the previous government passed the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act which, alongside modifications to the State Immunity Act, empowers victims to sue perpetrators of terrorism, and countries listed as supporting them, for loss or damage that occurred as a result of a terrorist act committed anywhere in the world. The Conservative government designated two countries on the list of state sponsors, Syria and Iran.
This process allows for the seizure of property owned by Iran in Canada in connection with a judgment against it. There currently are about 10 cases before the courts, including many initiated by American citizens.
From the Conservative government's perspective, this was successful policy. If you define success as institutionalizing a political goal and raising costs for those seeking to reverse that outcome, it worked. It has made re-establishing relations very difficult.
Moving ahead, Ottawa faces two scenarios: to keep Iran on the list or to remove Iran from the list of state sponsors of terrorism. The first scenario appears more likely for now. Foreign Affairs minister Stéphane Dion has said publicly that the government has no intention of removing Iran from the list, at least not until there is significant improvement on the democracy and human rights front in Iran, which is very unlikely in the short to mid-term.
It's not entirely clear what procedural hurdles Iran's listing as a state sponsor of terrorism poses. Notably, Global Affairs Canada has said publicly that it does not prevent contact with Iranian authorities, and that it does not, on paper at least, prevent the re-establishment of diplomatic relations. But it's the politics of the issue that make it very difficult. Moving to re-establish diplomatic relations with Iran without delisting it would expose the Liberal government to criticism from the Conservatives, and from others, that it is engaging a regime that sponsors terrorism. Technically, this would be accurate as criticism, since Iran, it is a fact, provides material support to groups that are listed as terrorist entities by Canada, especially Hamas and Hezbollah.
This scenario, in any case, faces another major difficulty: From Iran's perspective it is not appealing at all. I am not aware of definitive formal public statements by the Islamic republic on this. But clearly, logically, it is reluctant to be seen as endorsing or playing along with a Canadian process that designates it as a state sponsor of terrorism. Besides the political dimension from Iran's perspective, reopening embassies would expose Iranian assets in Canada to seizure by Canadian courts if relations were re-established.
According to a second scenario, which doesn't seem likely for now at least on the basis of what we know but it's still worth discussing, Ottawa could delist Iran. Procedurally, this is straightforward. The designation on the list of state sponsors of terrorism is the product of a decision by cabinet. Iran could, in principle, be removed from the list by an order in council with no legislative action required. This could be done either through a biennial ministerial review planned for by the law or if Iran applies in writing and makes a request to the Minister of Foreign Affairs that it no longer be listed.
The second possibility is very unlikely, as I just cannot see Iran legitimizing the process by sending us a letter asking us to delist it. Delisting Iran would raise the additional issue of what to do with ongoing cases before Canadian courts under the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act.
Domestically, the challenges are primarily political for the Liberal government, since this would equate to a statement that the government considers Iran not to be a sponsor of terrorism. This would expose the government, politically, to criticism that it is soft on terrorism, but it would also be inaccurate, since Iran, and this is a fact, supports groups that are on the Canadian list of terrorist identities, like Hamas and Hezbollah.
There's another layer of challenge that has to be added to explain the slow pace of progress. After one year, publicly at least, we have seen virtually no progress in discussions between Canada and Iran. The reality is that this is just not a priority for either country. Canada barely registers in Iran. The Conservative government's hostility towards Iran, for example, labelling Iran as the greatest threat to international peace and security, was met in Iran, to the very limited extent that it was noticed, with a mixture of puzzlement and head-scratching.
Under the right conditions, many elements in the Iranian regime would be willing to reopen embassies in the two countries. Moderates around President Rouhani could be willing to use this to showcase it as a success in their strategy of engagement. At the same time, Iran's foreign policy agenda is overflowing, and it is very difficult for a country like Canada to get even a bit of attention in this very busy agenda.
It's not clear where things go from here, given obstacles to the two scenarios I mentioned, listing or delisting Iran. I would suggest two other scenarios looking ahead.
A third one is that discussions get bogged down in the technicalities and legalities, mostly but not exclusively as a legacy of the Justice for Victims of Terrorism Act. The issue slips down the agenda in Tehran and Ottawa, and basically you have a perpetuation of the status quo. I don't have a crystal ball. I'm not willing to make a 100% certainty prediction, but I would not be surprised if after four years of the current government we still don't have embassies in Ottawa and Tehran, simply because of the complexities mentioned here.
A fourth outcome could see the emergence of a compromise between the two sides, to save face by trying to figure out a way to satisfy some of their priorities, not all of them. What format such a compromise could take, I don't know. The U.S. and Cuba have had interests sections, not embassies, for decades, or at least they used to. Is that a possibility? I don't know. Perhaps something in the middle will have to be explored if something is to happen before four years.
To conclude, the hurdles imposed by the former government are surmountable, but it will take time and it imposes costs. This may count as a success for the previous government, from the perspective of defending a non-engagement, but it is bad public policy for the country as a whole. It prevents Canada from achieving its limited but real objectives in its relations with Iran at the diplomatic, consular, strategic, and trade levels. This is even more the case since Canada already lags behind most of its European allies in re-establishing or rebuilding relations with Iran. We start with a handicap. We don't have the historical, diplomatic, and trade presence that other countries—not only like France and Germany, but even smaller ones like Italy and Austria—have in Iran. We are steadily losing ground.
This shows, and I'll conclude on this, that sanctions are a risky foreign policy instrument, to be used with prudence and with the awareness of possible longer-term consequences. Sanctions may allow a state to achieve shorter-term goals. In this case, with Iran over the years, the goal was to weaken it, to try to compel it to change its behaviour. In this case, they did have a fair bit of success. But sanctions also become entrenched institutionally, bureaucratically, and politically. They can then become much more difficult to lift than their built-in procedures would suggest, because of this entrenchment. When that happens, as I think is the case here, the gains made in the past are replaced by costs in the present and in the future.
Thank you.