Absolutely. Clearly, in Africa in particular, Oxfam is extremely active. The illicit arms flows are extremely damaging and fuel conflicts across the continent. It's estimated that something like 95% of small arms and light weapons in Africa come from outside the continent, most with very little control, and circulate within the continent, often with no control at all. This is an area of massive concern for us.
The Arms Trade Treaty, if properly implemented, can play a massive role in changing this situation, thereby improving the lives of people in the Congo with possibilities for development. By clearly delineating what is legal trade, when arms move across borders, we can be certain that a particular shipment of arms is moving legally. By fully implementing the provisions of the treaty, for example, on the diversion of arms, an African government must make sure that all its stockpiles are absolutely secure and safe, that there is no movement of arms out of those armouries, into the grey and black markets, and ensure that they have proper customs regulations, that customs people are trained and paid on time, and the same goes for the security services.
The ATT can play a role in making sure that the legal trade is secure and that there is a clear delineation between what are legally traded and illegally traded arms, which will allow the seizure of those illegally traded ones.