Thank you to the committee for the invitation to contribute to this study and for this focus on children in conflict and crisis.
In these contexts, UNICEF and our partners are particularly concerned at the impact of COVID-19 on children's health, mental health, nutrition, education and protection. These concerns are expressed in our joint six-point plan. Today, UNICEF will focus on health and nutrition while our colleagues speak to the other areas of joint concern.
In conflict and crisis settings, the pandemic is adding massive pressures to already overwhelmed health and nutrition systems. Countless families are unable to meet their basic survival needs of food and essential medicines, leaving more children facing malnutrition and deadly disease.
Looking at malnutrition, in northeast Nigeria more than four million people now face acute hunger; in Yemen, over two million children are suffering from malnutrition; and in the DRC, we estimate this will affect three million children this year. This is the combined impact of the pandemic, underlying poverty, displacement and armed conflict, and in the case of the DRC, Ebola.
Canada's partners can tackle these combined challenges. For example, to reduce the number of people visiting clinics ever day in Somalia, UNICEF trained and supplied parents with the ability to screen and treat their children for malnutrition at home. This work must continue.
Heading into 2021, the UN's Nutrition for Growth year of action, Canada's support for nutrition for children in crisis will be essential.
Another major concern is access to health. UNICEF applauds Canada's long-standing leadership on global health, from maternal and newborn health to sexual and reproductive health, and its significant commitments to the “ACT-Accelerator”.
The key to ensuring the success of these initiatives is vaccine readiness. Countries in conflict and crisis had weakened health systems before the pandemic and they need Canada's support to be ready to deploy COVID-19 vaccines as they become available. This includes helping countries strengthen their cold and supply chains so that they have adequate infrastructure to safely store, transport and distribute vaccines from the minute they arrive in-country to when they are administered in people's arms. It includes training and equipping front-line health care workers, the majority of whom are women whose own right to health must be protected as they support others.
Last, readiness must include supporting local partners in developing and disseminating localized community engagement strategies to address vaccine misinformation.
Simply put, we can't wait for vaccines to reach these countries before we act. Readiness must begin now. While the focus on COVID-19 vaccines is absolutely necessary, we are increasingly concerned at the potential diversion from life-saving routine immunization, particularly in crisis settings where the needs are high and growing.
For example, without an urgent national measles campaign, UNICEF, WHO and the CDC predict a large-scale measles epidemic in Chad this year. In Yemen, close to 40% of infants are not receiving routine vaccination and the country is now seeing outbreaks of measles, diphtheria and other deadly diseases. Like death from malnutrition, these too are preventable deaths.
Getting vaccines to children is possible in the pandemic. In Syria, UNICEF and partners helped immunize almost one million children since the pandemic started, thanks to adaptations like physical distancing and the use of PPE.
Early signs indicate that Canadians are behind us on this issue and are coming to the table to support UNICEF Canada's efforts on vaccines and on other critical areas for children in crisis. There's a real opportunity for Canada to come to the table for children too.
First, Canada must stay firm in ensuring contributions to the new COVID-19 commitments do not come at the expense of existing commitments, including health and nutrition.
Second, Canada's welcome commitment to increase international assistance must include a clear agenda for children. Recognizing that children do not live siloed lives, Canada's agenda for children must take an integrated approach. Children in crisis cannot access quality education if they are not protected from gender-based violence, child labour or the mental health impacts of conflict or displacement. Girls cannot advocate for gender equality if they die of preventable diseases or malnutrition.
Before and throughout this pandemic, children in crisis have paid too high a price. They are counting on us to act. We look forward to further collaboration with the Government of Canada, our fellow Canadian partners and Canadians from coast to coast as we work to meet the needs of children in this pandemic.
Thank you.