There is a funding consideration here. There is a dollar-and-cents problem. I'm not suggesting that Canada needs to be the only one that closes that gap, but we need to be honest about a reality that there needs to be a mobilization of donors. I think that is an area where Canada can play a significant role in not only being the funder but also mobilizing others to fund the humanitarian response.
The second thing, as I mentioned, is that people are subjected to incredible levels of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence. There needs to be a mobilization of diplomatic efforts to stop the perpetuation of violence against people. That's not something that we as humanitarians can do. We are there to provide medical assistance and to provide life-saving assistance to people in need, but I do think that as Canada is asking itself these questions of its role in the African continent, part of that obviously needs to be about effective diplomacy and the resolution of conflicts.