Ms. McPherson, I apologize. We'll have to leave it there. You'll have a chance to go in the second round, which we will get to next.
Colleagues, given the schedule and the timing, we have time for a compressed second round. We have the capacity to go until 1:15, but I understand that not every member is able to. I want to be mindful of that consideration and also give every member a chance to ask at least one question.
At the end, I'm going to ask you briefly for a housekeeping motion, which I think will be unanimously approved, but I need to have that motion for the clerk to be able to move forward on one of our projects.
I would suggest two-minute rounds and very quick questions and answers across the six members who are currently listed in round two.
If that's amenable, Mr. Aboultaif, would you lead us off for two minutes, please?