Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Honourable members of the committee, good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me to appear before you today.
My name is Anaïs Kadian. I'm a lawyer specializing in civil and commercial litigation in Montreal. I also have an undergraduate degree in international studies. More recently, I have spoken out with other lawyers and professionals in support of human rights in the heartbreaking situation of the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh.
Not too long ago, two of our briefs were submitted to the committee. One is about the review of export permits to Turkey, and the other concerns the status of Nagorno-Karabakh under international law.
Today I would like to speak about the report prepared by the civil society network Hayren Partners for Humanity, which was submitted to this committee. It covers the important opportunity Canada has to respond concretely to the human rights crisis created in Nagorno-Karabakh through targeted economic sanctions against the Azerbaijani regime.
Since this committee’s motion was to “review the need for new recommendations...resulting from Canada’s response to the situation in Ukraine and other situations since 2017”, Nagorno-Karabakh is one of these other situations where new recommendations should be made to Canada’s response.
In fact, the lack of concrete measures, such as sanctions, has unfortunately only served to embolden the Azerbaijani authoritarian regime to continue violating international law and human rights without impediment.
Some recent examples include capturing and torturing Armenian prisoners of war in the fall of 2022, as reported by Human Rights Watch; continuing to hold over 100 prisoners of war and subjecting them to inhumane treatment; continually attacking and killing civilians in border villages and in Karabakh on an almost weekly basis; illegally attacking Armenia last fall, leading to hundreds of deaths and the seizure of 140 square kilometres of sovereign territory; and illegally blocking the Lachin corridor, chokeholding 120,000 indigenous ethnic Armenians from the outside world since last December.
Genocide Watch has qualified the blockade of the Lachin corridor as “a clear attempt by the Azerbaijani government to starve, freeze, and ultimately expel Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh.”
The Lemkin Institute for Genocide Prevention issued red flag alerts for genocide, stating, “The responsibility for this humanitarian crisis lies solely with the Azerbaijani state and particularly with the regime of President Ilham Aliyev.”
In February 2023, the International Court of Justice ordered Azerbaijan to take all measures to ensure unimpeded movement through the Lachin corridor. Azerbaijan has ignored this order. It remains in blatant violation of the ICJ's decisions to this day.
These human rights and international violations fall squarely in those covered by section 4 of Canada's SEMA and also warrant the application of Canada's Magnitsky law.
The call for sanctions against Azerbaijan has also recently been made by the following government bodies and officials: the European Parliament, in March 2023, which called on the council to impose targeted sanctions against Azerbaijan officials for not respecting the International Court of Justice’s order; the chairman of the U.S. Senate's Foreign Relations Committee, in May; the French Senate and the French National Assembly; and the ambassador from Armenia to Canada, who gave evidence to this very committee in January. Genocide Watch and the Lemkin Institute have also called for sanctions against the Azerbaijani regime officials.
Similarly, this committee should recommend the imposition of targeted sanctions on the Azerbaijani regime in order to uphold human rights, international law and justice. Canada's laws allow it to apply specific actions in a balanced manner, while still maintaining diplomatic relations. Without accountability, there's no justice, and without justice there can be no peace.
Canada has repeatedly affirmed its commitment to promoting international justice and respect for human rights. I think Canadians expect Canada to set an example to protect the rights of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh and Armenia, as it does in similar contexts.
I applaud the hard but crucial work of this committee, which has committed to studying these and other issues in order to review Canada's application of the sanctions regime.
Thank you for your attention, and I remain available for any questions you may have.