Thank you, Chairman Ehsassi.
Honourable members, it's a pleasure and privilege to see so many friends and familiar faces. I bring warm regards from honourable Professor Irwin Cotler, who regrets he couldn't be with you today, but very much endorses the content of our centre's submission.
Thank you for the opportunity to join you today. I am pleased to testify as a lawyer and director of policy and projects at the Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights.
Our organization is very engaged in the development and implementation of Canada's sanctions regime. We also manage a global coalition of almost 400 civil society organizations that act to call for sanctions and promote human rights.
Canada can be a global leader in safeguarding dignity and democracy by strengthening the use of targeted sanctions. This committee's study presents a most propitious opportunity to chart such a path forward.
It is especially timely, as Putin's illegal and unjustified aggression against Ukraine is giving violent expression to a broader authoritarian assault on the rules-based order and those who seek to defend it.
Targeted sanctions have proven to be a powerful tool in pushing back. The visa bans, asset seizures and business dealing prohibitions that these sanctions entail are isolating the architects of repression, turning them into global pariahs and cutting them off from the financial flows that fund their oppression.
These sanctions are also protecting Canadian sovereignty from the corrosive effects of corrupt foreign capital and from the rights abuses of those who would seek to co-opt and undermine our democracy and financial institutions. It therefore ensures that our markets and our economy are not contributing to these abuses or acts of aggression abroad.
Honourable members, these are all measurable successes. Indeed, Canada's adoption in 2017 of our Magnitsky law was a game-changer. It lowered the implementing threshold for autonomous sanctions from a “grave breach of international peace and security that [has] resulted or is likely to result in a serious international crisis” to now also include gross and systematic human rights violations and acts of corruption.
Accordingly, our centre uses the term “Magnitsky sanctions” to refer to actions taken pursuant to these post-2017 lower thresholds under both the Justice for Victims of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act and SEMA.
With these measurements and new thresholds, out of the over 2,000 targeted sanctions that have been implemented since the adoption of the Magnitsky law in 2017, 482 of these are Magnitsky-style sanctions for human rights abuses and corruption. Out of roughly 35 Magnitsky jurisdictions, this makes Canada a leader in Magnitsky implementation, a close second to the United States and far ahead of every other jurisdiction. That's all the more admirable when you consider that we have a fraction of their resources.
However, with that being said, Magnitsky decisions are overwhelmingly undertaken unilaterally and without structured co-operation amongst allies, despite the shared interests, values and threats we all may be seeking to address. In a practical way, this can result in asset flight, with a sanctioned individual laundering their ill-gotten gains and conducting their business in another parallel jurisdiction upon being sanctioned in Canada. It also lessens the significant rhetorical and reputational value, as the listing can be presented as a singular aberration amongst more reasonable democracies, rather than an achievement in the pursuit of justice and accountability.
Therefore, the Wallenberg Centre suggests that an international contact group of jurisdictions with the Magnitsky law be established, which would greatly assist with the coordination and multilateralization of sanctions implementation while also creating a forum for the sharing of best practices.
As well, Canada should take a whole-of-government approach to sanctions and create a single focal point to ensure interdepartmental co-operation and co-operation amongst allies internationally. This is well grounded in parallel precedent. If you look at the U.S., with the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control, at the U.K., at the State Department's special envoy on sanctions, I think there are a lot of great models that we can be following internationally to ensure that we continue to lead.
We could assume a leadership role and unique convening capacity internationally to make sure that Canada's sanctions policies advance our foreign policy priorities. For example, we can use sanctions to give teeth to our leadership in advancing the Declaration Against Arbitrary Detention in State-to-State Relations, and thereby shift the calculus in hostage-taking.
We can also, at a time when the rules-based international order is under assault and multilateral institutions are being undermined, use our sanctions regime to show our confidence in these institutions and the enforceability of these international norms by using decisions of UN special procedures like the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, or international treaty monitoring mechanisms like the Committee Against Torture, as the basis for the implementation of sanctions.
I will conclude with this, honourable members. An especially important refinement to our sanctions frameworks would enshrine the crucial oversight role of all of you here today. Ultimately, some of the most impactful precedents and policies have been proposed by civil society and pursued by Parliament. Formalizing this relationship would only strengthen it.
Our centre's written evidence to the committee elaborates upon these proposals, in particular the final one drawing upon existing parliamentary precedent and practice like Order Paper questions, tabling public petitions and the like. We'd be pleased to discuss these with you either in the Q and A or in greater depth separately from this committee hearing.
I'd like to conclude by thanking all of you for your important work in guiding Canadian foreign policy, and for the opportunity and privilege to testify before your committee today.
Thank you.