We're looking into a number of strategies for mail service within the next three weeks. We have a facility in Mississauga. I know it doesn't resolve the northern issue, but at least it will be another site we can rapidly staff to take some of the overflow. That will be happening in the next two to three weeks.
We're examining a number of strategies to resolve the mail problem because geographically it's evident: we're always going to have people where we don't have offices. We're studying a couple of options, but one of the most prominent is that we know we have surges at certain times of the year because Canadians like to travel when it's cold. Canada Revenue Agency is a model to follow, in that they have surges every year at income tax time and they have seasonal employees they hire year after year to work for them. Generally, it's data entry, but I think we could follow a model like that to hire seasonal employees, in places where seasonal employment is potentially a known entity, and maintain that facility and the cost of the facility throughout the year, but only staff it for the six to seven months of the year when we need it. That's not an immediate fix; it has to be studied and costed and we have to find the space. But I think it has to be the way we go.
Generally, through the summer our volume can be in the negative, so we're carrying cost and people we can't really afford for the five or six months of the year where we have huge volumes. The disparity between the troughs in the volume and the peaks in the volume is enormous, but we can't staff and prepare for the average any longer. We're certainly aware of that, and we understand it's too late for this fiscal year and for this current problem, but we have another wave coming and we hope to be ready to use these kinds of strategies for the second phase of WHTI. Certainly I think we have to look at seasonal employees and employment that have been successful models for other agencies. Where it will be I couldn't answer right now, but we want to do that and are studying it actively and working with partners. I think this is a good approach.