Well, you're right. Access is a problem in the north, and we are trying to improve it through the Service Canada outlets. That solves only part of the problem. We're aware of that, and we're looking at how we're going to provide emergency service.
What we have done and what we are doing to improve the mail services, the surge of volume notwithstanding, is that we are committed to opening the mail within 24 hours of its arrival. That's been going on for about three weeks.
We are pre-screening those files and rejecting upfront the incomplete applications or the ones where the documents required aren't there or the photos are clearly unacceptable. That's about 30% of the intake.
So it was frustrating for people before the pre-screening was occurring, because their mail would sit there—there's no doubt—and then it would be rejected at some point. We clearly saw, right away, that wasn't acceptable. So we are rejecting mail within 24 hours of its arrival, and that's 30% of our applicants.
Another 14% to 16% of those are rejected because there are problems and difficulties with the form, which clearly indicates to us that we have to revamp the form. So there's a project under way to do that. It sounds simple, but it's not really that simple an undertaking to change a federal government form. We're working on it.
It's also clear that our photo standards, our tolerance for accepting photos, is too strict. So we are revising our standards for photos and expanding the tolerances now and changing how we're approaching our training. Our employees are very dedicated to making sure that we maintain high security standards. They follow the rule of the law in terms of the policy we've put in place. That's what they should do. The policy is too strict and the approach is too strict, so we're changing that to expand the tolerances for accepting photos.
There are a number of things under way to try to improve the quality of service and the immediacy with which people hear that they have a problem. That's going to evolve. It started about three weeks ago. It's going to be an evolving effort as we get through this backlog of mail that we have.
But you're right in your observations, and we are addressing all of them.