Thank you, Madam Chair.
Thank you for being here today.
I'm sure I speak for all of my colleagues when I say we're all interested in preserving the heritage of our communities. In my area there is a very active heritage group that's working diligently at protecting the character of buildings and other structures in my riding.
I'd just like to say as well that I don't remember having seen this before, but I would welcome this. Maybe it comes to our office and my staff files it with the hundreds of others, but it is a great magazine. Maybe you could come up to the Waterloo region some time and focus, for example, on the Walper Terrace Hotel, Doon Pioneer Memorial Tower, West Montrose Covered Bridge, and other structures, bridges, and barns and so on that have been designated. I applaud the work of heritage communities.
I want to come back to your three recommendations for a minute. I don't have it in writing so I may not have it accurately, but in your first recommendation there was something to the effect that before the government considers sales of its buildings, it should give consideration to the cultural value. I don't think you're implying that didn't happen, but I just wanted to point out that in fact there was a pretty detailed study done and consultation took place with provinces and municipalities in these jurisdictions in the interest of having their buildings designated. I think that piece is in place.
Also, as I'm sure you're aware, we did include, as in your third recommendation, that there be a protection covenant or something to that effect, and that also was included in the sale-leaseback agreement to protect the heritage character of these designated buildings.
I just wonder if you could comment. Those are two of your recommendations, your first and third, and my understanding is that those are already being worked on or have been done. What are the shortfalls in terms of what your ideals are from your recommendations and what I perceive we are already doing as a government?