--of the pot calling the kettle black.
But I think it's very important that Mr. Holland and this committee, and the public as well, hear what we're dealing with here. It says:
I have always believed there is no place for party politics in municipal elections. It can be argued, for example, block voting by an NDP-dominated council in the City of Toronto does little to represent the interests of residents on issues of local importance. Party politics in the diverse wards of the City of Pickering
--which, of course, Mr. Holland would be so familiar with--
--would be an even bigger disaster. I was turned off by MP Mark Holland's efforts to manipulate the vote for Regional Council in Ward 3 Pickering (by endorsing a candidate). Mr. Holland does not even live in the ward, yet he feels important enough to direct the residents of Ward 3 to vote for a former NDP adversary with no experience in local politics and no record of having attended council meetings. Is this perhaps payback for the NDP taking a dive in the last federal election? At best, Mr. Holland's meddling insults the intelligence of the citizens of Ward 3 Pickering in their ability to make an informed choice for their local and regional representatives.
I'm not suggesting that every word of that would be accepted by every person in that area, but I can certainly tell you that it's a broad base of public opinion. As such, I think we have here now an attempt to go right down the same smear tactic.
I can tell this committee...and I would hope most committee members here would state the obvious. I would not say anything in committee that I would not say outside the committee. I would not abuse parliamentary privilege by not having the courage to say something outside the parliamentary precinct under parliamentary privilege that I would not say inside it. When you do that you void your responsibility as a citizen of Canada for telling the truth and not trying to abuse the system. That, unfortunately, is what Mr. Holland is doing here.
I have two quick questions, gentlemen, to get right to the crux of this.
Mr. Kirkpatrick, I believe the facts are clear, but could you tell me, sir, did the democratically elected Ottawa City Council vote against the light rail contract?