The secretariat within PCO where I work, the senior personnel secretariat, coordinates and does the staff work for Governor in Council appointments. When it comes to heads of agencies such as the CBC, we run the selection processes. We're the ones who work closely with the agency in question and the department in developing selection criteria, advertising the position, and then, if necessary, hiring a search firm, or sometimes the organization hires a search firm and launches a process.
I personally sat in on the process that ended up with Hubert Lacroix's recommendation as a qualified candidate for the position, an extraordinary man, a top-flight lawyer who, while in one of the most senior positions in the legal community in Montreal, on weekends would go off and do des reportages on amateur sport across the world for CBC, and was also a top-flight marathon runner. He qualifies for Boston every year. So he's a very driven A-type personality who showed the knowledge, the experience, the expertise, and the drive that you want in a top-flight CEO like that.